Close Encounters

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"I have an extremely bad idea." Y/N groaned. "I know what I'm gonna do."

"Enlighten me." Raven rolled her eyes as she sighed. "Whatever it is if you think it's a bad idea, it's worse than a bad idea."

"I'm going to let Salem capture me. Chances are this is some kind of test. To see what I'm capable of or to see if I'm on her side." Y/N said as he loaded Check with bullets. "I could really use Mate right now...and maybe some new clothes these reek."

"Pansy." Raven scoffed before becoming interested. "What I want to know is how you're so analytical when you act so dumb. I can't help but shake the feeling you've had all of this loosely planned in your head."

"Pfft." Y/N chuckled. "Raven, I'm flattered you think I'm that smart, but if I planned all of this I would have already killed Ozpin and Salem."

"Sure." Raven shrugged.

"Hey Raven..." Y/N got serious for a moment as Raven looked on in curiosity. "What's your opinion on Ozpin?"

"I think he's a selfish, manipulative, arrogant, and a naive fool. His way of creating weapons for the war against Salem disgusts me." Raven said with venom in her voice as she remembered her days as a student at Beacon.

"Weren't you apart of the all powerful STRQ though? Surely you had to have been close with Ozpin." Y/N guessed much to Raven's dismay. She sighed before continuing on.

"My brother and I were sent to Beacon to learn how best to deal with huntsman. Killing them was never a problem, but the unpredictable is the greatest threat." Raven said looking up and down at Y/N. "Which is why you spark my curiosity."

"How so?" Y/N grinned. "Is it my ruggish charms, my insatiable lust, or perhaps my-"

"Shut it." Raven threw a knife into his shoulder as he grinned and pulled it out while his flames healed the wound. "When we fought on that train, you used your pistols to parry my attacks. Not only should that not be possible, but you did it flawlessly and made me lose my center of balance. Nobody has ever done that to me before with a sword. I didn't think it was possible with two tiny pistols."

"Hey, they're small but mighty!" Y/N defended before chuckling. "It's just instinct. I've been in more fights than you can imagine so I've learned quite a lot. Never had a teacher to show me the ropes so I practiced a shit ton to get where I am today."

"I see..." Raven said thinking for a minute before turning. "So you've made up your mind?"

"Yeah..." Y/N paused in thought. He cocked Check as Raven tossed him a bag full of bullets and dust cartridges.

"Here. I had some of the tribe pick up a few things while they gathered supplies in Vale this morning." Raven said as she slashed a portal open. "Use them well."

"Aw Ravey you shouldn't have!" Y/N hugged her from behind making sure to grind on her as he placed his head in the crook of her neck. "You're gonna get me all riled up again."

"G-Get off me." Raven said as she blushed lightly. She pushed Y/N away before pulling him into a kiss. "Whatever you're going to do, don't die. The only one allowed to kill you is me."

" that the closest I'm getting to a love confession?" Y/N raised an eyebrow before reaching to give her the paper in his back pocket. Raven grinned at him as she tossed the paper in the air and turned back as she walked into the portal. She glanced back at Y/N and winked.

"Hardly. I simply used seduction against you." Raven waved to Y/N as she disappeared. Sighing, Y/N chuckled to himself as he looked at Check. "Well...time to see if my marksman skills have improved."

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