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A/N: The song for this chapter contains the entire emotion and reality of Y/N and the stranger. I'd argue that it's one of the only songs that can really harbor the tragedy and pain caused and endured by both Y/N and the stranger. Particularly the lines of "The Chaser, The Runaway..." and "Fist, Only the fist will solve this loop of calamity."

Both of these lines inhabit not only the lives of the two, but also the teachings the stranger is going to impart onto Y/N. The first verse could be taken from Y/N's point of view and the strangers point of view is the second verse. It's a really interesting dynamic I found in this song. Hope you guys enjoy it too.

Side note: this chapter gets kinda gory so if that's not for you, I'd skim the fight scenes.


"Even now I think back to that day quite often. The impact Yin had on me was vital to who I became today. Without the power I gained from his words, wisdom, and spirit...I doubt I would've kept sane after returning to Beacon."


"Hyah!" Y/N kicked through the air like a knife as the stranger barely had enough time to duck. The old man blocked it, using his own attack to try and pierce into Y/N's vulnerable spots, but Y/N guarded using his arms before landing on his kicking foot.
Y/N crouched down and went for a leg sweep, taking out the older mans legs and pushing him backwards. The strange used his hands to spring off the ground, but Y/N was on him in an instant. He rushed and charged lighting all around his body turning him into a kicking machine. He sliced through the air until he landed a kick onto the strangers gut, stumbling him in the process. Switching to flames his eyes burned a fiery black before uppercutted the man in the gut, who shot up into the air and coughed up blood at the same time. Y/N launched himself forward using his super strength and soared into the air, rushing above the man and cocking his kick back up. He narrowed his eyes before swinging his leg down with incredible speed and axe kicking the man straight into dirt, leaving a large crater in his wake. Holding his hands down, Y/N channeled a huge blast of fire before coating it with lightning.

"Kame...." Y/N whispered as it charged while he flew towards the ground. "Hame..."

"..." The man looked up at Y/N before grinning slightly as blood trickled down his head. His body was broken in several places and he looked ecstatic about it.

"COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENTS!" Y/N roared as a large blast of flames coated with lighting targeted the area with the man in it. He grinned at the peak of the attack turned into a dragon head and slammed into his body, sending him further into the ground and rupturing the space around them. Sand and dirt went flying everywhere as all around the ruins of Ikaruga's past were destroyed and sent flying. Y/N smiled devilishly as he landed on the ground and swiped the dirt off of his shoulders. "Heh...not too bad."

"You got that right..." The old man groaned as he climbed out of the hole with blood and flames coating his entire body. "Not too shabby kid...8 months and that's your minimum? You're gonna be overpowered in no time!"

"Think it's enough to fight Salem?" Y/N suggested as the man thought.

"It's enough to contend with her that's for sure. You're definitely stronger than all of the maidens aside from Summer right now. If I had to rank the beings in this world from power, I'd put you at number 4. Salem, Summer, than Ozpin, and finally you."

"Damn. I'm still that weak?"

"Not weak, just less experienced. Salem and Ozma have lived for centuries. They know everything and anything possible. However, you're probably the first anomaly they've ever had." The stranger sighed. "I wouldn't worry about it too much though kid. Just take it slow for now. If you rush into a fight you can't win, there's a good chance there's going to be no backing out now."

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