Even Cats Can Dance

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Maybe one day I won't update at night like a normal human being. Eh, fuck it. Here's the new chapter, almost done with 7 and no deletions yet. Here's hoping it stays that way for now. Thanks again guys!



"Rennnnnn!" Nora Valkyrie called out into the forest. She had parted with her partner, Lie Ren, reluctantly as he had to go into town to do some shopping. The pair of childhood friends had been together since their village fell to bandits and Grimm alike. They had been together for years at this point as each of them were now 16. In a few years time, they'd be applying to Beacon and hopefully getting in.

Nora huffed as she swung her hammer around and slammed it against trees in anger.

"REN! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Nora roared before slumping over and pouting. "I don't want to be alone..."

Sighing, Nora continued on her way to their cabin in the woods. After doing a few odd jobs for people in Vale, a kind soul offered their hunting cabin for Ren and Nora to stay in until they left for Beacon. They didn't have to pay rent as long as they continued killing the Grimm in the area so it was a win win for everyone involved.

"This is getting annoying..." Nora grumbled as she frowned while frantically searching for Ren up and down. She couldn't find him anywhere, but it was starting to get dark out and that meant more Grimm would be roaming around. Nora began to hustle back to her cabin with Ren until she eventually found herself lost in the woods. Ren was usually the one to do all of the guiding while Nora tended to be the protector of the duo.

As she hummed to try and ease her nerves, Nora was eventually snapped out of her thoughts by a low growling noise. The sunset had just passed and the sky was finally being taken over by the night.

"Oh come on..." Nora whined as she pulled out her hammer. "Not now!"

A Beowulf leaped out of the woods as Nora slammed it with her hammer. She quickly jumped backwards before swinging her hammer around and killing two more beowulves. Hearing some more coming from her right she began to run farther ahead as a group of Ursai and Beowulves began to chase after her. She grinned to herself as her body began to spark before coming to a stop and turning back to begin sprinting towards the group of Grimm. The enemies just looked confused as Nora jumped into the with a gleam in her eyes before she slammed her hammer down onto the ground, causing all of the Grimm to shoot up into the air as Nora went to town with her hammer. She smashed all of them into dust as she heaved her hammer onto her shoulder with a grin.

"Nora: 251. Grimm: 0." Nora giggled as she mentally congratulated herself. She turned around and began walking again until she felt the ground begin to rumble. As she turned back, she saw two huge shadowy figures sprinting towards her. As it got closer, Nora saw that it was two death stalkers barreling towards her. She gasped before turning and sprinting away as fast as she could until more of the lesser Grimm got in her way. She barreled through them, but only looked back in time to be hit by one of the death stalkers. They rammed into her as her body was flung like a rag doll while breaking through a tree.

"Owie..." Nora groaned as she slowly got up again. She hefted her hammer up and channeled her semblance through her body before charging back in and fighting off the death stalkers. She lasted about 5 minutes and managed to mangle one of them, but was hurt badly. She had cuts all over her body and was bleeding out of multiple spots. The remaining death stalker loomed over her as its pincers and stinger both recoiled as it was about to strike. Nora felt tears coming out of her eyes as she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable death.

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