Rescuing the Capable Damsel! (FINAL)

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"Tch, where is he..." Y/N tapped his foot impatiently on the roof of a building nervy the Schnee Mansion. The manor was ridiculously big, being at least three sizes bigger than Beacon itself. It took up a large part of the floating city all by itself with hundreds of smaller buildings and military placeholders located around it. A large Schnee insignia signaled that this was the mansion he was looking for and the humongous courtyard with intricately designed details gave it all away more so.

"Who are you looking for?" Scarlet popped out behind Y/N's shoulders as her ears wiggled.

"My friend Adam. He was supposed to be here with me." Y/N grumbled. "I wanted him to have to make the choice between killing or letting Jacques live, but I'm starting to get worried."

"Isn't he the bad man who caused all of this at the start though?" Scarlet asked as Y/N shrugged.

"You're not wrong about that. I just think that he wasn't too far from redemption when I saved him." Y/N explained. "It's what Sienna would've wanted in the end anyways."

"Sienna...isn't that one of Salem's allies?" Scarlet asked again.

"Yes, yes she is. We have a lot of history together and-"

"Why?" Scarlet asked.

"Well that's because we felt things for each other and we-"


"W-Well, I think mostly it was because we didn't have a lot of options and we grew up together so-"


"OKAY NO MORE QUESTIONS SCARLET!" Y/N said hastily as Scarlet pouted.


'I'm never having children.' Y/N grimaced as he patted Scarlets head. She hummed, but quickly went back to pouting. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I'm just stressed out right now."

"Hmmmm..." Scarlet thought for a moment. "I forgive you!"

"Heh, thanks." Y/N smirked, but quickly turned back his attention the scene as a blaring alarm was set off and cause a flurry of Atlas soldiers to begin rushing out of the Schnee Manor. Y/N got down low as he saw trucks and bullheads begin deploying out of the area and flying down towards Mantle. "This is not right...the power isn't down yet and this is way too many soldiers for just riots."

"Did something else happen?" Scarlet asked as Y/N put a hand to his chin.

"I'm not sure, but this isn't right." Y/N turned his eyes back towards the manor and narrowed them. "Either way it doesn't matter, we have a change of plans now. If Adam can't make it that means he either failed to get up the chain, got captured, died, or the most likely case, the plans were changed somehow. Something is happening and they're gonna need me soon."

Jumping down from the building, Y/N made his descent onto the Schnee Manor and dropped right down in the front door. Multiple Atlas soldier standing guard all turned towards him and were met with flame blasts as their bodies went unconscious from the impact and raw power.

"Not going to kill them?" Scarlet asked before shrinking under Y/N's annoyed look. He sighed before answering her.

"No need to kill them, I'm not going to be long." Y/N explained as he cracked his neck and kicked open the giant door the Schnee Manor, sending it flying off the hinges. "Since Adam isn't here and there hasn't been any alarms within the manor itself, I'm assuming Jacques isn't here."

"That is quite astute Mr. Belladonna. I am impressed by your intellect and physical prowess." A fancy voice called out from the large staircase in front of the front door. Y/N turned his eyes to see a butler of short stare with a husky build. He had a brown mustache with a bowler hat on and a pristine suit accompanying it. He stood straight up with not a single error and smiled at Y/N. "A bit late, but I welcome you to the Schnee Manor. Miss Schnee has been waiting for you."

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