Creeping Dread

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"Man, this blows." Amber complained with her hands behind her head. Arslan, Ilia, and Amber were supposed to go set off on finding information about how to get higher up into the sky. So far, the merchants and street thugs they had encountered either thought they were prostitutes, tried to convince them to become prostitutes, or simply just tried to get them to buy weapons and armor that wouldn't help them out. It seemed as if nobody was willing to give tips about how to get bigger into the sky aside from Bullheads.

"It seems like everyone is...afraid to say anything." Ilia piped up as she looked around. Amber was only wearing a black crop top with jeans and combat boots while Arslan and Ilia were hidden by black cloaks, hats, and the regular Atlesian garb underneath. "Maybe we should go somewhere else? I'm getting kind of tired of all this attention."

"Hmmm..." Amber thought as Arslan and Ilia continued to look around. "Last time I was here, it was to meet Ironwood with Ozpin. And if Bullheads are the only way to get up..."

Amber looked all over the place until her eyes honed in on the giant black chains holding the floating part of Atlas to the ground so it didn't fly off. Amber smirked evilly before quickly grabbing onto Arslan and Ilia's hands and dragging them through the barren streets.

"A-Amber?!" Ilia called out scared. "W-Where are we going?!"

"Up." Amber laughed crazily as Arslan shrugged behind them both. Eventually they came up to a clearing where one of the large chains were holding onto the ground. The sun was clouded above them and the city was even brighter directly underneath the flying part of the city. They hid behind a building while surveying the area around them. What looked to be an small Atlesian base was completely barren. The lights were still on, but there were no guards in sight. Amber's eyes narrowed while Ilia looked scared and Arslan began to wander off.

"Arslan..." Amber whispered as the lion girl hurried back over to the two. "Somethings not right."

"What do you mean?" Arslan's eyes narrowed as she seemingly switched off her oblivious mode. "Enemies?"

"No...a lack thereof." Amber put a hand to her chin. "I'm all for going in guns blazing...but this seems weird, almost like a trap. Why would they leave one of the most important parts of Atlas unguarded?"

"Well, the chains are quite large. It would take someone like Y/N or you to be able to move them." Ilia said as she peeked around the taller girls shoulders. " is odd. If Arslan isn't hearing anyone and I can't see anything, then it's gotta be unguarded."

"Hm..." Amber thought for a second before turning towards the two. "Ilia, I want you to go invisible and scout ahead. Arslan and I are gonna split up and go separate ways around the base. If we scout the perimeter while you check the inside, we'll get a clear view of the situation."

"A-are you sure?" Ilia stammered. "I'm not sure if I can really do this."

Amber turned around and flashed a bright smile at Ilia. Her eyes exuded confidence as Ilia looked up to her.

"If I sense you're in any danger, I'll smash through the walls to get to you." Amber gave a thumbs up. "You just call me if you think there's any danger lurking around. I'll be there, I promise you."

Ilia gulped before nodding and taking off her cloak and handing it to Amber. Arslan and Amber both nodded as they took off in separate directions around the encampment while Ilia hesitated.

'Make yourself useful and I'll consider not killing you.'

Y/N's words echoed through her mind as she looked to the ground.

"..." She gripped the bottom of her white shirt before taking a deep breath and going invisible. Ilia took off forward, keeping out of the bright spotlights beaming down on her so she wouldn't give off any glints. The encampment was relatively small. There were big white and gray walls with barbed wire over the top. The front of the base had a small gate that was already opened with no guards anywhere near it. 

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