From Beautiful Oasis to Hell In One Move

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A/N: WE GOT A CHOICE CHAPTER BOYS. Choices are at the bottom. Pick your favorite one. I will say, choice 2 is a bit more than what you'd think it is. Keep that in mind when you decide to vote. I have a feeling some of you will pick up what I'm putting down when I say those things about choice 2. Anyways, hope you enjoy! I just landed in Europe so it's going to be a bit until the next update. Hope the double upload can tie you over. Love ya guys!


"Y/N dear, could you rub suntan lotion on my back?" Summer said as she laid on a towel with her back up to the sky. She took a deep sigh as she smiled while Y/N rubbed his hands. The front of her one piece was pulled forward and below her stomach as she laid her head down on her arms.

"Yes Summer." Y/N sighed as he began to rub the lotion on his hands. He rubbed them together before firmly placing his hands on Summer's back and applying pressure as he rubbed up and down. She hummed in contentment as he massaged her back.

"Ooh that's good Y/N..." Summer sighed happily as Y/N rubbed her entire back. "Make sure you get my lower back as well."

"Yes ma'am!" Y/N said happily as his eyes gleamed and he began to thoroughly rub her lower back before slowly drifting to her butt. Summer noticed this and grinned before her eyes flashed green as she channeled a small part of her electricity. She sent sparks off of her ass as they zapped Y/N's hands and he recoiled. "Woah!"

"Ah Ah Ah mister." Summer said turning her head back with a grin. "This is your punishment for wandering."

"B-But I didn't even wander! I was just asking for directions..." Y/N deflated as Summer hummed in response.

"Mhm. Of course sweetie." Summer said as she began to fall asleep. She has Y/N adjust the umbrella so she was covered as she sighed. "This is bliss. It's like there isn't an impending war about to happen."

"Hey Y/N!" Weiss called out as she laid next to Summer on her own towel with her bikini undone. She grinned as she laid her head back down."

"I'm waiting over here." Weiss grinned as Y/N sighed once again.

"Yes ma'am..." Y/N glowered before making his way over and began to rub Weiss' back. He was a pretty good masseuse, but he only learned because of Sienna. After every mission she'd crack every bone in his body until he felt better. On occasion she'd let him massage her and on even rarer occasion she'd give him free roam. After he finished Weiss he looked to his left to see the rest of the girls, including Ilia laid down next to her with their own bikini tops undone, aside from Arslan and Neo who were still nude. He cried comically as he looked over to them.

"Well...ain't no time like the present." Y/N sniffled. "Many guys would kill to be in my position. I won't take it for granted!"

Y/N got a fire in his eyes as he narrowed them and rubbed the oil on his hands throughly before attacking each of the girls backs with firm hands. All of them ended up enjoying it greatly as he finally came to Ilia right after Velvet. He had put Velvet to sleep somehow while Summer and Weiss were dozing off. Blake was reading a book while Arslan began meditating after telling Y/N she needed to reflect on her actions after having her master rub her back for her.

"You don't have to do mine you know..." Ilia glared at him as Y/N sighed.

"And I don't want to." Y/N snarked back before rubbing the oil on his hands. "But I'd rather not have Weiss or Summer drop kick me again."

"Hmph..." Ilia said nothing more as Y/N got to work. He noticed a few things about Ilia he didn't know before. For starters, her skin wasn't coarse like he thought. She was actually incredibly soft. Along with that, she had small scars around her body no doubt from from botched missions. She also had a scar right on her shoulder where Y/N threw the knife back at her back at the house. He wanted to not feel bad, but it was knowing you scarred some random 18 year old girl. Though the fact she tried to kill Weiss was more than enough to justify his animosity towards her. He just kept telling himself that she'd do the same to Weiss and him in a heartbeat. She still didn't know that he was immortal so he had that to his advantage.

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