Second Choice

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"So..." Y/N glanced at Raven and Vernal before chugging a bottle of water. He sighed in content before leaning forward and pointing at the women. "You want me to get to pregnant so that your kid will be some all powerful warrior?"

"Essentially." Raven said nonchalantly. "Your Faunus nature gives you traits humans can't have. Your ability to shape shift is not a common semblance or ability either. Your connection the the Relic of Destruction grants you an ample amount of power. Yet what I want, is the power of those flames."

"My flames? Something tells me these aren't hereditary." Y/N blew a puff of fire before swirling it around in the air as he drew a fire dick in the air. "And I don't think that these things shoot out of my dick."

He waved away the flames before looking at Raven.

"As hot as you are, and you're very hot, I just don't think making Yang my step daughter would be very fun. She's already tried to bang me on multiple occasions." Y/N sighed.

"It seems my daughter was able to act faster than I was...I won't stand for this." Raven snarled as she narrowed her eyes at Y/N. "You will either give me or Vernal a child now or the world will end as we know it."

"Okay first off, relax. Salem isn't gonna do anything while she knows I'm out here. News of my death couldn't have gotten to her that fast. I've been here for what, a week? There's no possible way Cinder could've gotten to there and back so fast." Y/N scoffed. "Secondly, I never agreed to raw dog you. I would totally be down to fuck and then go tell Yang you gave me more affection than you ever did her, but you're also a bandit leader. I've killed tons of people like you. What makes you think my opinion on your kind of people has changed?"

"I think you means "our" kind. Pretend all you want, but you're just like us. We do what we can to survive. We take from those who feed off of others and use it to our advantage. Whatever it takes to survive is fair game in this world." Raven crosses her arms. "Your opinion doesn't designate how your dick works. I'm sure I could get it done within a minute or less."

"Okay words hurt." Y/N rolled his eyes. "Frankly, I'm just not trying to have a kid right now. My childhood sweetheart died. I fucked an extremely seductive evil woman with fire powers who now doesn't exactly like me. And I've been betrayed up the ass multiple times. Why the hell would I EVER want to have a kid when I'm this far up shits creek without a paddle?"

"You wouldn't be taking care of it." Raven grinned. "We would be."

"Oh great that's just fantastic! When can we fuck?" Y/N mocked as Raven raised an eyebrow.

"We can do it now if y-"

"NO! YOU RAISING MY KID IS WORSE THAN ME RAISING IT!" Y/N groaned. "Look maybe if you just let me go this wouldn't be a problem. We've established that you can't kill me or keep hostage once I get my strength back. I could burn this entire shit hole of a village down if I wanted to, along with every single person inhabiting it. So either let me go...or I'll find a way out myself."

"You're very sure of yourself. You're powerful I'll give you that. But experience trumps raw strength. The way I see it you're a wild animal gifted a power that they're using in the way they want. Isn't that why you let yourself lose control during your battle with my daughters team?" Raven said as Y/N growled at her.

"You call this a fucking gift?" Y/N slammed his hands on the table as flames began to appear around him. "If this was a gift, I still wouldn't take it. The thins I've had to go through for this, the losses I've suffered, the things I've sacrificed, and the lives I've taken...well let's just say not all of us are cold heartless cunts like you. If I had a daughter I wouldn't have left  her to lead this shitty life you are. I mean come on this is just pathetic!"

The Flames of Betrayal  (Male Reader x Harem)Where stories live. Discover now