A Game of Chess

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My version of Pietro was created before we ever actually saw the canon version of Pietro so he's vastly different to the real version. Sorry about that!


Y/N sat on the roof of the Schnee building with Scarlet in his lap, currently eating a donut that she summoned from nowhere. He was going over plans while the little girl asked him all the questions she had about humans that Jinn refused to answer. Summer had decided that they would hold a group meeting to decide if they should help Y/N or work with Ironwood. For the time being, Weiss and Blake were both on his side. However, Ruby had been astronomically quiet ever since Y/N's outburst with Yang being touchy on the subject and Summer still conflicted with how she felt. She had told Y/N that Ruby always came first, even when it came to him. Tai and Willow were both undecided and all Klein wanted to do was brew some tea while they thought.

For the time being, Y/N was beginning to conceptualize many different scenarios as to how things would play out. With the pace of the battles increasing, there was no way for him to accurately know what had happened so far. He's gotten no calls and couldn't connect to Arslan in any way. Usually he could open up a magic link with his girls, but since most of them were on bad terms, the connection was completely wishy washy. Besides, the only ones left with an aura mark were Velvet, Weiss, Summer, Blake, Neo, Yang, and Coco. Velvet and Coco had gone completely dark after the Fall while Neo was AWOL. The rest weren't of any use to him through information. They knew just as much as he did at this point.

"Hey, Y/N." Scarlet said looking up at him as Y/N looked down at her. The crumbs and sprinkles around her mouth were wiped away by Y/N as he smiled down at her. "What're you going to do if one them die?"

Y/N leaned back and thought for a moment. What would he do? If any of them were to die, it's not like he could stop and mourn them. He had a mission to accomplish and nothing would stop him from doing it. But if any of them died would he be able to rest after everything was said and done?

"I don't really know Scarlet." Y/N said as he rubbed her ears. "But I'll do my best to make sure they don't get hurt. Hey, I've been wondering something too, why are you a red riding hood slash wolf girl type of thing. The rest of the relics seem pretty old right?"

"Charlotte told me that because kids have such an active imagination that I was the perfect vessel to become the Relic of Creation. I know everything about anything and I can create anything because of it! Though only grandpa plays with me, Charlotte says I'm beneath her and Jinn always seems sad." Scarlet explained as she kicked her legs off of the ledge. Y/N was about to talk with her some more before the door to the roof opened up behind him. He turned around to see Ruby slowly approaching him. The tension in the air was evident, but Y/N tried to keep it lighthearted.

"Hey Rubes, wanna sit?" Y/N patted the space next to him as Ruby solemnly nodded. She slowly hopped down next to him and tucked her knees together with her arms. She leaned backwards and looked at the sky as Y/N looked up along with her. "Y'know, Sienna and I used to stargaze all of the time. I remember a few of the constellations because of it."

Y/N pointed to a line of constellations that could be briefly made into the shape of a dragon.

"See that? That's Draco." Y/N said with a small smile as Ruby followed his hands. "That one there that looks like a bunch of hexagons with a bow? That's Orion. Now, Sienna used to bore me with how these things were created, but you know what I think?"

Ruby was silent for a moment before sitting up.

"...what?" Ruby said softly as Y/N grinned at her.

"A bad drug trip." Y/N winked at Ruby. "Someone definitely ground up some dust and snorted it. Sent them beyond heaven."

Ruby giggled at the poor attempt at a joke as Y/N clasped his hands and leaned forward.

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