Y/N the New Student

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"You have to got to be shitting me." Y/N sighed as he reached the dormitories. Y/N reached his room as he walked down the hallway of the first years to find it at the very end of the hall between two other dorms. One sign read JNPR on the right while the other read...you guessed it. RWBY. "Does he want me to kill myself? Because that seems like a better option."

Y/N sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He hadn't gotten much sleep lately ever since he spent that night with Sienna. His drowsiness reminded him of his current situation.

"Adam..." Y/N thought as he replayed the scene of him killing Sienna in his mind with Hazel watching from behind. He quickly shook the thought out of his head. "Sienna would kill me if she knew I was being this angsty again."

The boy chuckled sadly as he unlocked his door with his scroll and opened up to a room that was smaller than his old room at the Belladonna household, yet bigger than his one at the White Fang compound. It was a decent size with a queen sized bed in the middle of the room with the end facing the door. Next to it was a nightstand with a lamp on it as well as a weird package placed on top. There was a fan on the ceiling with a light that Y/N flipped on. His footsteps creaked on the floorboards underneath the carpet as he flopped down onto the bed. He turned to the left to see a TV set on an TV stand with a few open slots and two drawers. Almost all the furniture in the room was black which coincided with his color scheme, yet pissed him off for some reason. The walls were a light gray while the red curtains blocked the sun from getting in from the right wall. On the wall with the door there was an empty bookshelf to the side of the door along with a chair in the corner of the room.

"Wow...this would make me feel at home if there weren't bars on the outside of the window." Y/N said sarcastically as he got up and opened the curtains to look outside, but was hindered by the black bars. They slightly glowed which told Y/N they weren't just any normal bars. No doubt a work of Polendina again. There was a door next to the TV stand he opened and he found a quaint, yet luxurious bathroom inside. It was stocked up with the basic needs, but nothing special. When he glanced in the mirror he began to look himself over. He leaned on the counter a took a deep breath as he stared back at himself. His clothes were cut up and burnt while the collar on his neck shined in the mirror. The white and blue hue was definitely going to piss him off at night. He sighed and flicked the light off in the bathroom before going over the dresser beside his bed. It had a few things already in the drawers, but it seemed to be mostly shorts/pants, underwear, and socks. There were only three shirts. One, a a black and blue long sleeve shirt that said "proud to be pervy!" The second was a shirt that said "hail to the king baby" surrounded by flames in the shape of a curvy woman. Y/N's eyebrow twitched as he could feel a headache coming on.

"Yeah I'm killing myself. Who the fuck bought this shit for me?!" Y/N quickly put it on with a sigh before putting on gray sweatpants. "I'm gonna have to go shopping eventually...just deal with it Y/N. You were tortured for three months. You can deal with whoever bought you these humiliating shirts when you get this damn collar off."

He checked the time on his scroll before seeing only a few hours had passed since his talk with Ozpin. He flopped into his bed with a thud as he quickly got comfortable. As much as he wanted to escape he couldn't. Y/N needed a plan. And a good one. A plan that he could only map in his head. The restrictions on him were far too harsh. If he had to guess this collar recorded his voice and tracked him. He also guessed there was a camera of some sort considering it was Atlas who made this. He could use that to his advantage, but it would be a risk. He'd continue to bite back for a while to avoid suspicion, but eventually he'd have to play along and make everyone believe he had changed. That was his best bet right now. He turned to his side as he saw the package again and quickly grabbed it. As he opened it up he quickly rolled his eyes for thinking it would've been anything useful to him.

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