A Lick of Lotus

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Okay guys, last lemon. How did a week of lemons turn into like 3 months of lemons? Christ. Anyways, now that I'm out of here, I just want you guys to know that I'll be uploading more frequently. I'll be doing less chapter and personal updating here and more of that on our discord, so if you're interested in that please join! We just had our first DND campaign and it went swimmingly! So, aside from that, the story picks up now. This is a short lemon by the way since I'm tired of sex scenes for a bit 😂, but don't worry, there's plenty more lemons where these came from. Without further ado, LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO!





"Gah!" Blake spat out as she stumbled backwards and recovered her balance. She lowered herself into a stance, quickly flipping her katana over in her hand with the ribbon of her weapon wrapped around her forearm. She and Y/N circled each other with narrowed eyes. "You're holding back on me aren't you?"

"Hey, what gave it away?" Y/N shrugged as Blake frowned. "You're not ready to fight me full power. We agreed no magic. This is a battle of pure will and semblance."

Y/N held up his gauntleted hand in front of him as he grinned. He had been parrying each and every one of Blake's attacks. On top of his dodging, she couldn't hit him. Her footsteps were as silent as can be, but the real problem was that it was daytime and Y/N could see all of her moves. She couldn't be a shadow like she always was. Besides, Y/N was relying on mostly his sight and hearing. Everything else didn't matter too much to him.

"Now come at me!" Y/N taunted as Blake rushed forward. "Again Blake, really?!"

Blake dashed forward before separating into three pairs of clones that all mixed up with each other in sync. Each Blake pulled out a dust crystal, gravity, ice, and air as they rushed Y/N. The real Blake threw down a smoke bomb as she disappeared into it while the clones dashed out of it.

"Elements eh?" Y/N muttered to himself as they all leapt into the air at different levels. One clone exploded into ice crystals that formed into icicles all falling downwards towards Y/N. He swatted away the ones that fell towards him until the second clone exploded, sending a small gravitational pull that held up all of the icicles in the area and pointed them at where the clone had exploded. The third clone with the air crystal then exploded, sending a giant wave of air behind each crystal, making them shoot towards the gravity clone that died right in front of Y/N. Y/N quickly heard Blake's faint breathing picking up behind him. He turned with the intention to grab her, but Blake appeared behind his back yet again and wrapped his legs together using her ribbon. She pulled it taut before shooting an entire clip into Y/N's back, making him stumble forward.

"A clone?!" Y/N's eyes widened as his fist connected with the fake. It exploded into a grav crystal that had a much larger gravitational pull, planting Y/N into the ground regardless of how he moved. "Oh shit!"

The immobile and on his back Y/N now frantically tried to move as a huge storm of icicles went flying directly at him with incredible speed. Eventually he accepted his fate as he sighed and closed his eyes.

"God dam-" A flurry of icicles all impaled his body while some bounced off his aura. As soon as they entered, he was already being repaired by his flames. Eventually the onslaught ended and he was able finally open his eyes, however, two icicles shot directly in them as he opened them almost immediately.

"Wow. Really? Fuck you." Y/N said bitterly before ripping them out as his eyes healed up with his flames. He blinked as his eye sight came back right before a gun barrel was placed in his vision.

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