Atlas' Flickering Wick

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"Well...this sucks." Y/N sighed. They had found the crate shortly after meeting back with the gang, but as they progressed through the area, they found a total of 63 soldiers knocked out and captured all around the warehouse. The place was trashed, courtesy of Nora and Raven being a little too touchy on the elements. They all stood in front of the crate Roman left while Y/N dug through it. "Aha!"

Pulling out just enough warm Atlas street clothing along with makeup, wigs, glasses, and other similar disguise items, the group was left with a large amount of outfits to jump into. Y/N grinned as he motioned for them to come forward.

"Girls change first, then boys." Y/N said as he pulled Jaune and Adam with him. "We'll stand guard out here."

The girls nodded before going into change after slamming the door to the crate shit. Y/N and Adam leaned against the doors while Jaune stood awkwardly. Adam looked him up and down before sighing.

"Jaune, you look like a puppy that just got kicked." Adam rolled his eyes. "What's up?"

Jaune fidgeted as he clenched his hands.

"It's just...I've been thinking a lot." Jaune let out a breath. "I should go to jail right? I mean, I killed a headmaster. I need to be put away! Why did I even kill him? It's just when I found out he targeted my family to awaken my semblance I got so angry. What even is my semblance? Could it really be that strong? So strong Ozpin wanted to kill my family?! Was it worth it to kill Ozpin? I mean, no offense, but you two are terrorists and I-"

"Ex. Ex terrorists." Y/N and Adam said at the same time. Y/N walked up and put his hands on Jaune's shoulders. "Need to relax, okay?"

"I-I know...just nervous." Jaune sighed as he rubbed his eyes. "And tired."

Jaune looked weary and beaten down. He had dark circles under his eyes and his body looked heavy. He looked tired and worn, and his mind was surely in more of a mess than his body was. Adam gave Y/N a look before the door to the crate was opened and everyone turned around to see the girls. Every single one of the girls was dressed in some variation of white and blue coats and pants that all fit their figures. Y/N turned to Adam with a knowing look that said "we'll talk later" after motioning them all in next.

"Jaune, you coming?" Y/N said with a smile as Jaune hastily hurried on in. They all changed with their backs turned on each other, but Jaune couldn't help but look after failing to see how to put the armor on. However, he saw the mangled and scarred bodies of both Y/N and Adam and recoiled with a pale face as he imagined himself going through something like that. Was he truly fit to be a villain like this? He could barely stomach the fact he's a murderer, now he was infiltrating a literal city in order to steal some relic and save Weiss by overthrowing Ironwood and the SDC. He was in over his head at this point. Eventually, the trio stepped out in their newly acquired gear and were looked over by the girls.

"Huh, not too shabby." Raven smirked as Y/N flicked her off. "Give me that baby and you can fuck me anywhere in this shithole."

"Raven..." Y/N facepalmed as everyone else looked at them weirdly. "We'll get to that after I save the world."

"Charming." Pyrrha frowned as Y/N gawked.

"Wait-I didn't-" Y/N sighed. "No I definitely did mean that one..."

"Ugh..." Pyrrha face palmed as she pulled Nora along who nodded in annoyance. Raven smirked as she passed by Y/N with Neo sighing and patting Y/N on the back. Adam and Ilia looked at each other before shrugging and continuing on. Arslan cocked her head cutely before writing something down in her journal as every followed Pyrrha and Nora. Amber, Jaune, and Y/N stood there looking completely exasperated already.

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