Home Is Where The Pain & Pleasure Is

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A/N: Sup boys, just a heads up, I'm using Arslan's concept art for her design and clothing rather than her actual appearance in the show, which I find much less interesting than her original design. The only differences are her clothes, her backstory, the addition of her two weapons instead of only martial arts and dust abilities, and finally, the fact that I am making her a Faunus now. She will be a golden lion Faunus, (no crossover intended with my other book, though a fight between both Y/N's would be interesting to write) and the reason for this is because 1. She was known as the Golden Lion of Haven. And 2. Her name means "lion" in Turkish and Mongolian while Altan means "red dawn" in Mongolian and "golden" in Turkish. As for the red dawn part of her name...well, all I'm gonna say is that Adam is going to have a bit of trouble trying to rule Menagerie with the White Fang. This is also kind of a serious yet jokey type chapter. Just a little fluff piece along with the introduction of Arslan! Get ready to get back into the swing of things next chapter though.


"Starting a war...a result of failure that humans and Faunus succumb to." A woman spoke sadly as she walked among a scorched earth of dead Faunus, weapons, and explosions. The sand had been dyed red as she walked on with a katana and Sienna Khan's signature chain whip wrapped around her arm, while two rope dart/daggers were holstered on her waist. The woman was just shy of five seven and was of a medium build. She had a dark complexion accompanied her platinum blonde hair held up by two red pins in the back. She had two golden lion ears on the top of her head that had blonde fur around them. The loose ends flew in the wind as her olive green eyes scanned the battlefield around her. She shook her head in disappointment as White Fang bodies laid right next to her own fallen allies. Her yellow robe had no shoulders and two wide sleeves that hung off of her arms. The robe was held up by a wide red sash with the endless knot pictured on it. She had bandages wrapped around the forearms of both arms with two samurai gloves on covering her hands. Her black combat boots made imprints in the sand as her loose black pants were tucked into them. Her black tank top straps showed on her shoulders as she raised her arm and held it up to the sun to block it from obscuring her vision. What she saw made her instinctively narrow her eyes and put a hand to sword. Olive green eyes above a frown met crimson red eyes above a smirk as two powerful women stood across from each other. None other than Raven Branwen stood across from the golden lion warrior as she pushed her black hair out of her eyes. She rested a hand on her sword as her armor shined in the sun. Palm trees bristled in the wind and vultures flew above them as nothing but sand and death stretched on for miles.

"So you're the one responsible for this?" The platinum blonde woman spoke up with a calm voice as her hand rested on her sword. She closed her eyes as she listened to the whistling of the wind. "I'd ask if you were a pawn of Taurus, but it seems that you're human. How unusual for a human female to be on Menagerie and not be a slave or a prisoner. State your reason for killing these Faunus human."

"State my reason?" Raven laughed out loud. "I did it because they were weak. These pitiful White Fang fanatics actually believed they could start a war out in this pitiful desert."

"So that's why you're out here." The blonde woman said opening her eyes again. "Searching for lost treasure like the White Fang?"

"Please, don't act like I have no idea who you are." Raven said with a sadistic grin as she flicked blood off of her sword. "We're both out here for the same reason girl."

"And what may that be?" The woman asked calmly, not showing any signs of nervousness or hostility. She merely looked at Raven lazily as she listened to the vultures caw and the wind flow through her.

"Searching for a relic lost to time. There's only a few who know of it, but for some reason the leaders of the White Fang and Red Dawn are both searching frantically for a poor boys lost sword." Raven said with a chuckle. "For some reason or another, the two of their fates seemed to be tied to Y/N Belladonna."

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