Loving Reqiuem

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A/N: Everyone who wanted a lot more with Summer...you're welcome.


"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" Y/N whispered to himself as he sprinted throughout the halls of Beacon. His body was full on sparking as trails of black electricity were being dragged behind him. He was sweating harshly as he felt his heart being as fast as it possibly could. "Come on, come on!"

Y/N immediately went to Summer's room in the faculty area of Beacon and opened the door to try and find her. Unfortunately she wasn't there so he closed it and began to run in the opposite direction. He turned a corner fast while his mind raced to figure out where Summer could be before she could get to Ozpin.

'Where could she be? Think Y/N! Thi-'


Y/N slammed into something hard as he fell on top of whatever he hit. He groaned as he opened his eyes to see the very person he was looking for on the ground. One very scary looking Summer Rose.

"S-Summer?!" Y/N exclaimed as he jumped off of her and backed away. He saw that she now had her sword/scythe/sniper weapon with her as her piercing silver eyes locked onto his as she stood up. Y/N tried to play it off "H-Hey! I was just looking for yo-"

"Funny...I was looking for you."

A streak of silver cut his cheek and sliced some of his hair off as Y/N's ear rang from the bullet that just flew past it. His cheek bled as electricity began to encircle it while it healed itself up. His instincts told him to dodge as he backed up quickly and just narrowly missed a few bullets. Y/N narrowed his eyes as he spotted an open door to the back of the school grounds and the entrance to the Emerald Forest. His body began to spark heavily before he transformed into his cat form using his semblance while shedding his clothes. A black blur sped past Summer as bullets rained down on it in an instant. Y/N barely made it out of the door before Summer was on him using her speed semblance. The wind from her speed forced Y/N forward onto the dirt path as he grit his teeth and turned back into a human. He was only wearing his black underwear now as Summer switched back to her sword mode. He slid backwards on the ground before dodging an overhead swing and grabbing sand from the ground. He flung it up into her eyes as Summer took it head on. Without showing any emotion, Summer closed her eyes and continued her onslaught against the Faunus as he was barely dodging her attacks.

"Why are you attacking me?!" Y/N tried feigning ignorance as Summer simply kept her eyes closed and chased him down. "Come on Summer what the hell!"

"..." Summer gave him no answer as she continued pushing him back. Y/N grunted as he felt the electricity in his body beginning to spark up since he left his IV back in his dorm. Without any balance to control it Y/N was forced to hope that he wasn't going to lose control this time. He was brought back out of his mind by an intense feeling of murderous intent coming directly from Summer as he looked up to her. Her eyes were darkened and shadows were casted over her face as she gave Y/N a death stare.

He steeled his resolve while gritting his teeth before throwing a wild punch at Summer. She dodged it easily and went for a counter attack with a sideways swing, but Y/N interrupted it by transforming into a cat and then pushing off of her blade just at the right time. He transformed back into a human and tackled her to the ground before slugging her across the face. He hit her twice before getting a better look at her head and more importantly, his hand. His fists were broken and Summer's face was intact. She huffed as one of her eyes glowed green while she raised a single finger. Wind shot out of it like a shotgun as Y/N was sent flying backwards and slammed into the ground. Electricity sparked up around his hands as they were healed before Summer attacked him with a kick to the face. Y/N blocked it and swept her legs out from under her before Summer pulled something straight out of a breakdance competition as she spun on her head and back before launching the hilt of her sword straight into Y/N's gut. He coughed up but was immediately reminded that her sword wasn't just a blunt object. She heaved her weapon downwards as Y/N barely had enough time to dodge out of the way.

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