The Second Mission: Dance of Romantic Deceit

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A/N: Hey guys! No, I did not forget the girls dance scenes. Each girl is going to get their own, but I wanted to separate the story chapter from the single dances chapter just for clarity sake. Expect the dance chapter to come out tomorrow! Poll for the three characters end next chapter and the previous poll for what to do about the Fall Maiden has been decided!

Y/N will kill Amber and let Cinder take the maidens powers while resurrecting Amber using his powers.

NOTE: This means that Amber will still be extremely powerful, but not to the same extent that Y/N is...perhaps he could even bring her back using a different type of dust rather than fire *wink wink*

For some of you thinking or worrying that Y/N had gone good? Hopefully this chapter will disprove those thoughts.
Anyways, on to the chapter, hope you boys enjoy!


"...Mission commence...I'm going dark."

Y/N's static voice came over the scroll as both women looked to each and nodded. They were currently situated in Beacon, specifically the CCT mainframe situated at the base of the Emerald Tower. While their other accomplice was actually in Vacuo garnering information from one of the other academies. Both Cinder and Emerald were wearing black disguises with masks on to prevent them from being identified if caught,

"Cinder...are you sure this is going to work?" Buttercup said a little uneasy. "I know I sounded confident, but if we mess this up it's going to land us all in the slammer."

"Emerald..." Cinder shot her a glare. "You will refer to me as Blossom and I will refer to you as Buttercup for the duration of this mission. Our King gave us strict orders to not say our real names in case there is any chance they could pin it on us or him. I will follow his commands no matter what."

"Who else would do something this idiotic? We're walking into a hornets nest with a bunch of armed to the teeth students who will destroy us the second they see us. We're kinda highly wanted criminals now for murder, impersonation " Emerald, or Buttercup, said exasperated before Cinder shot her a glare and she shut up quickly. Once Cinder was out of range Emerald retorted. "Of course you'd have a daddy kink..."

"I heard that..." Cinder growled out as her eyes glowed a fiery orange while Emerald yelped. She quickly caught up as the pair snuck throughout the dark towards their destination. Two guards stood in front of the CCT room as Cinder grinned sadistically. "Buttercup, time?"

"Exactly 2100." Emerald responded as she checked her watch. Cinder nodded and watched as the two guards checked the time and began to leave. "Looks like his intel was spot on. The guards are changing now. We need to move, next time they switch won't be until 0400. We have about 10 minutes of time until the new guards show up."

"Plenty." Cinder said concisely as they both hurriedly got into the building and through the doors. They snuck into the building which was fully darkened and only illuminated by a few of the small green computers. Looking at Emerald, Cinder nodded and made her way over to the main computer. She opened a small compartment on the side of the main computer before inserting a thumb drive into the port and turned on the computer. A green holographic clerk appeared in front of them.

"Hello, and welcome to the Beacon Academy CCT tower. Unfortunately, we are currently closed due to the annual Beacon D-" Cinder waved the hologram away as she began to type into the computer. She opened up the main files and was greeted with an authorized password key. Cinder smirked as she opened up the thumb drive and began to hack the computer using some of Roman's code.

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