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"I can't help but feel like we messed up." Tai said as he leaned against the counter. "That whole debacle at felt weird."

"Like, artificial weird or relationally weird?" Summer rolled her eyes. She drank some water out of glass as she sat at the kitchen table. Qrow leaned on the couch in the other room while Willow sat next to Summer. "No duh it was weird Tai. We were fighting a stupid battle."

"Summer, that kid killed Ozpin." Qrow grumbled from the other room. "How many people are we gonna let change sides before we buckle down."

"Qrow..." Willow sighed. "You're missing the point. That fight felt weird even though we seemed to be on the right side. Are we truly not going to put any weight into the words against Ozpin? We all know he's a deeply flawed man."

"Yeah but..." Tai rubbed his forehead. "Raven is now on that Belladonna kids side, which is already Oum awful enough. Now he's got JNPR, a whole load of criminals, and two out of the four maidens plus an ex maiden. Along with two of the relics, one used up and one who apparently IS A DRAGON! I What are we supposed to do? Kids gonna destroy the world."

"He's not evil Tai!" Summer protested. "He's a good person just doing what he thinks is right!"

"Summer, I trust you. I really do." Tai frowned. "But are you 100% sure that kid is just going to pretend everything that happened to him didn't happen? Not only is his past awful, but the girls betrayed him, including you. Now Yang, Ruby, and Blake are in a mess, Willow's daughter was taken by that rich bastard, and Goodwitch is trying to repair Vale by herself. There's three different wars going on right now! Salem, Y/N, and that stupid fucking idiot Ironwood!"

Tai slammed his fist down as he began to light up before Willow placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down dear, it's going to be okay. Weiss may be unhappy but she is well taken care of at home. I just hope we can get there before Jacques or Whitley do anything rash..." Willow sighed.

"That super soldier project, didn't Whitley take apart in it like Belladonna?" Qrow asked walking into the room. "Can't we just throw him at the kid and hope he dies?"

Summer stood up in anger and got in front of Qrow.

"You wanna kill another kid again Qrow? That who you are now?" Summer said angrily. Qrow took a swig before looking at Summer.

"I did what I had to do to save Ruby." Qrow reaffirmed. "Maybe she wouldn't have died, but any limbs lost is a no go. Unless it was an eye or something."

"Qrow that's your fucking-" Tai said angrily before Willow calmed him again. He took a breath before looking at him. "She's scarred Qrow. You murdered someone right in front of her and then knocked her out. How is she supposed to trust you?"

"I don't need her trust." Qrow said coldly. "I need her safe."

Tai grabbed Qrow by the shirt and lifted him up as Summer and Willow gasped.

"Do you have any Oum damn respect for anyone Qrow?!" Tai snarled as his eyes narrowed. He slammed Qrow against a wall as he seethed. "My daughters were put in danger because you and Ozpin refused to do things sanely! You released an entire student list just to kill one kid!"

Qrow just stared back at Tai while not moving a muscle.

"..." Qrow smirked. "Gonna hit me Tai? How're those anger issues coming along? Guess sleeping with a Schnee didn't help your case."

Tai grit his teeth and cocked his hand back as Qrow braced himself.

"Mother fuc-!"

"Dad?" Ruby's voice broke up the tension as everyone turned to her. Tai stopped his fist as he turned to her and glanced back at Qrow before dropping Qrow and taking a breath. "What's going on?"

The Flames of Betrayal  (Male Reader x Harem)Where stories live. Discover now