Rescuing the Capable Damsel (Part 1)

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"Are we waiting until Y/N gets back or are we going ahead with the reporting?" Amber asked Adam as he looked to the group relaxing and filling up on food and drinks as they talked. Everyone looked to be in higher spirits now that Y/N had given them more credit. From the JNPR table, Jaune got up and walked over to Adam and Amber.

"Hm, I'm not entirely sure." Adam reasoned. "On one hand, we have a Schnee tied up upstairs, but everyone is finally relaxing aside from Arslan."

Adam and Amber continued to mull it over until Jaune spoke.

"I think we should, uh, report or whatever." Jaune said towards them both. Adam cocked an eyebrow as Jaune continued. "We don't have time to just relax, Ironwood is bound to have noticed us or even noticed Y/N already."

Adam stared at Jaune before smiling. He clapped Jaune's shoulder before walking past him.

"Honestly Jaune, I don't know what Y/N sees in you that we all don't, but I'm starting to like you more and more. I heard you unlocked your semblance already as well, I'd like to spar later." Adam looked back and nodded towards Jaune as the blonde haired boy looked flustered and nodded furiously. He wasn't sure whether to be happy or not that a former terrorist praised his potential. "Alright, everyone listen up."

Everyone turned their heads to see Adam speaking as Amber stood next to him and Jaune sat back down.

"Y/N isn't back yet, but for now we're going to start the reports." Adam spoke loudly. "First off, we'll go over what I came across and what happened with Cinder and Raven. When I was going into the mine, I told Cinder and Raven to pick off any soldiers that might have been straggling, but when I came out they were no where to be seen. Y/N guessed that Raven was going to try and take Cinder, so whatever she had planned is now going forward. Aside from that, I came across a group of White Fang supporters from before the Red Dawn took over. We fought and I rescued Whitley Schnee from them while losing the potential for teammates going forward. On my way out, they decided to blow up the entrance to the mine after they left themselves. Then I was chased, lost them, and eventually ended up with where we just were."

Everyone nodded and Jaune seemed shocked that they were kidnapping people now.

"I'll go next." Amber hopped up and Adam sat down. "I need you up here Arslan to explain yourself."

"I...affirmative." Arslan nodded solemnly and went up next to Amber.

"Okay, so we targeted the giant chains holding the flying part of Atlas to the ground. When we went to the base, the entire place was dead silent and the lights were shut down. There were signs of people being there, but no people. That is until..." Amber held her hand in front of Arslan. "Tell your side before I go any further."

"Amber instructed me to survey the side of the compound, so I did as such. However, I saw a shadow running through the night, so I went to investigate it inside of the building. When I followed it it led to a back supply room which had a locked door and people being killed behind it. So I went in and murdered the perpetrator, but the room was left in a disgusting mess. Ilia approached the door and I did not want her to see entrails and blood stains caused by the battle. I locked the door and hid behind it, waiting for her to leave. Once she finally left, I dashed to Amber and pulled her off of the chain using my gravity powers to draw Ilia away from the door. After that, everything is as you have seen." Arslan explained, purposefully skipping the part about the older Arslan. Everyone seemed to accept this, but Amber didn't.

"Bullshit!" Amber glared at Arslan. "You never mentioned a single thing about any perpetrator!"

"I did not want to scare Ilia off at the time and it had been taken care of." Arslan said meekly as Amber got more mad and flames started to come off of her.

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