Personal Wars

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Honestly I think I forgot what Summer's weapon is. I know it's a sword...but was it 2 or just 1? Oops. Either way I know it turns into a sniper....somehow.

This chapter gets a bit gruesome, so keep that in mind.

Two more chapters and then the end of the Civil War arc is upon us! Next chapter is basically one giant tournament arc and the one after that wraps up the arc nicely. Hope you guys enjoy and sorry for the long wait!



"This is much easier than I thought!" Ellen said as she swung her giant axe and took out three soldiers while Summer rolled over her back and kicked two in the chest. She crouched down and sniped a Bullhead pilot out of the air before going back to back with Elen. All around them a giant war was waging. White Fang fought Red Dawn, yet there was a much larger number of White Fang than Red Dawn. Summer took a minute to breathe and look around.

"Sure sure....because incapacitating all of these men and women is so much fun!" Summer huffed "I never thought I'd have to fight in a war...let alone actually end someone's life for something so stupid."

"I for one..." Ellen said grinning as her body expanded and the air pressure around everyone began to grow heavier. "Am seriously enjoying this! I forget how much I love the thrill of war!"

Summer sweat dropped.

"R-Right...maybe tone down the semblance usage Ellen." Summer laughed nervously as she and Ellen turned to face the oncoming hoard. "Oh I hope the girls are okay...the illusion is still up so Neo must be fine. I don't see the other girls anywhere though...I'm getting a bit nervous."

"Hahaha!" Ellen grabbed a Faunus by the head and slammed him onto the ground before slicing another in half with her axe. "I wouldn't worry about the girls, they're attacking from the forest! Just trust in Y/N's plan and enjoy killing these guys for a bit!"

Ellen continued on her rampage as Summer just looked mortified.

"W-Who are these people Y/N befriends?" Summer said warily before turning back and noticing that someone else was killing all of the Faunus in her path. She cocked her head to the side before her eyes widened and a red line appeared right in front of her face. Summer quickly back flipped away from the line and used her sword to block a myriad of attacks. "Tch!"

She regained her ground and stood up in a defensive stance as she saw a figure in black and red armor walk out. She heard clapping as crimson eyes met silver as anger flared between them.

"Raven...." Summer frowned. "So you really have been behind all of this."

"Summer..." Raven grinned. "So you really weren't dead. You know, when the brat told me you were alive a while back I couldn't believe it. And the fact you're still the Summer Maiden? It couldn't be more perfect."

"No thanks to you...I guess someone was still a little too scared to face the big bad Salem."

" think I'd care enough about you OR Salem to go and fight her? Please, I have no reason to fight Salem yet. I think I could edge her out, but I want to be the most powerful so I can just curb stomp her. To do that...I need the relics and more raw power. So what better way to do it other than to become the host of all four maiden power?" Raven said looking at her blade. "Then I'll finally be able to achieve my goal...and everyone else will assimilate to the new lifestyle or die under the strong."

"How cliche." Summer sighed. "Y'know, if Y/N were here he'd admonish you."

"Enough about the damn cat, I want to end this rivalry and grab the kid."

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