The Naturalists Ressurection

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"Arslan what're you-?!" Adam yelled out before he was swarmed with zombie Grimm. He began tearing them apart and cleaving every single one as Salem continued to spawn them and soon blasted Adam with magic.

While this went on, Y/N desperately clawed for air as his body began to go into desperation mode. He couldn't feel the pain of drowning, but his lungs held a pressure within them and his body began to burn out. Eventually his eyes began to blur as Arslan walked up to the water bubble and pierced through it with her sword. The sword stabbed Y/N straight through the heart and then sliced up through his head. The water bubble disappeared and fell to the ground as Y/N's body fell limp to the watery metal below. Adam's eyes widened as he roared out in anger. Energy surged off of him as the Grimm around him cowered in fear. He leapt forward and clashed blades with Arslan as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You fucking bitch!" Adam pushed her back as Arslan looked forward. "What did you do?!"

"Y/N's weakness is being killed in water." Arslan said blatantly. "That and being killed by a Maidens power. Or absorbed by me."

"Why?! After all of what he did for you!" Adam looked back and picked up Y/N's body. He felt for a pulse anywhere and couldn't feel anything on his neck or wrist. His body had become cold, something that was virtually impossible for a living flame to accomplish along with his eyes having a dulled light to them.

Arslan didn't look conflicted as she stared forward.

"Even after all of that...I just wanted to live." Arslan said monotonely. "Getting rid of my power to give to Salem and murdering Y/N was the only way to make sure I could live my life the way I wanted to. Even if I had to betray him to achieve it."

"Y/N..." Adam held Y/N's body in his clawed hands. His sword fell to the ground around him as his heart began aching. Menagerie had fallen. Salem had absorbed one half of the puzzle. Arslan was a traitor. Vale was in chaos. Atlas had literally fallen. Vacuo and Mistral were at war with one another. "This can't be how you imagined it ending huh pal?"

A horde of Grimm erupted from ground beneath him, more than ever before. They began to snarl and growl at the large Minotaur as Arslan walked among them. Salem sat back down and summoned a glass of wine as she watched.

"Surrender and I'll give you a quick death monster." Arslan held her sword to Adam's neck. The tension was palpable as Adam slowly stood up and picked his sword from off the ground. Laying Y/N's body on the ground, he met Arslan's gaze with his own fiery glare.

"I've done quite a lot of wrong...I'm still not over it." Adam closed his eyes. "This power is a reminder of how much I fucked up. I know I won't win. I'm going to die here. Yet in some twisted way...I feel honored to fall by my best friend, even if I no longer have the right to call him that. I will continue fighting, until I can no longer!"

With a battle cry Arslan readied as the zombies leapt into action, aiming to tear the large beast to shreds. Adam roared with anger as he leapt back at them, with his eyes focused on Arslan's throat.

Adam and Arslan slammed their blades together, causing a rippling effect to push back all of the zombie Grimm .

The two began to blade dance around each other, Adam using the zombie Grimm as human Shields, deflecting against all of Arslan's attacks and allowing him to clean the battlefield up. Salem watched with minor interest as her eyes were laser focused on Y/N's corpse. She detected minor forms of life stemming from his body.

'Impossible...surely he cannot still be alive through his soul?'

"Why're you protecting him." Arslan demanded as she sliced for his head, but Adam deflected and swiped her feet out from under her. "He tried to kill you and then made you wallow."

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