A nICE Night Out

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Ahhh, it feels good to make continual puns in the titles. And for those asking, Weiss/Bleiss doesn't get a date chapter, only a small scene since she's already had a moment with Y/N earlier on. She's been a huge focus of the previous arc so I want to give the other girls a chance to shine and develop. Sorry to everyone on team Weiss/Bleiss. She will forever be the best girl of this story though.

Also side note, my entire plan has been thrown off. While the older people in my family do a bunch of other stuff, me and a few others have been tasked with PLANNING. A. FUNERAL. These 40-60 year old men and women are making a 19 YEAR OLD along with two other 20 somethings plan a funeral. The fuck?

Hopefully, some semblance of normalcy will return with the chapters. And thank you all for being patient, I truly appreciate each and every one of you, including your kind words. I love you all, so very much.

Side note, these chapters are starting to turn out as personal experience that were pretty awful, but what I would've liked them to be


"I'm in pain..." Y/N groaned as Graham laughed at his misfortune. He was currently walking back to his house to pick up the next girl after getting ready. He sighed before rubbing his head and straightening up his outfit. "It took three showers to get the smell off of me."

"Heh, and ye always thought the male Faunus libido was bad. Never been with a rabbit Faunus before have ya?"

"The gods made us inherit way too many traits of animals. It's kind of a sick joke in a way." Y/N sighed. He had parted with Velvet in the morning and left her with her brothers Corduroy and Chiffon to spend the rest of her time with. The look of joy on her face as she got to hug them again was heartening. Y/N was happy he could what he could for them, but the rest was up to them. Velvet would stay the rest of the week with her brothers while Y/N took care of everyone else. Luckily enough, he was good enough to satisfy her heat for the rest of its duration. It only took twenty times though...at least that's how many times he was conscious.

"Man, comical sex relief really is the best. I mean, how could anyone go 20 rounds in a row? You'd figure I'd just start shooting blanks after a while."

"The power of plot and tropes partner." Graham chuckled while Y/N just sighed again. "Who's on the list for today?"

"Today it's..." Y/N shrugged as he began checking the list on his scroll. "Though I'm not actually going out until tonight. They just wanted me to wait at the manor until they comes and gets me."

"The girl taking initiative? That's a surprise." Graham scoffed as Y/N chuckled.  "So who is it?"

Y/N finally scrolled down to Tuesday and smirked. He put his scroll away as he entered the manor.

"Well Neo's not really your normal girl."


Meanwhile in an unknown location in the desert...

A red portal was slashed open into the air in front of a dilapidated castle in the ruin of the ancient city of Ikaruga. The portal spread itself open wide before someone hopped out of it. An old man with blackish graying hair along with a weathered pair of cat ears and dulled amber eyes. He was muscular, but not overwhelmingly so. A large rusted sword was on his back. He wore a black cloak and white combat pants with boots. His body was scarred beyond repair and he had a large scratch covering half of his face. He gave a groan as he looked towards the dilapidated castle.

"What are you doing here?" The God of Darkness appeared as a shadow beside him with a edge to his voice. The hostile nature of the God was not lost on the cloaked man as he grinned. "You threaten this worlds ultimate fate with your presence. You are not welcome in this universe."

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