Metal Gear Y/N

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"" Y/N groaned as he sat up in the floating air. "I never thought being dead could be so boring."

Ever since he had died, Y/N had been stuck floating in a dark void with literally nothing to do, but spin around in circles and talk to himself. Now, he was very good at both of those things, but doing them for as long as he had been was pure torture. He would never take his life for granted again.

"If this is what death is, I really hope that old age can't kill me. It feels like I've been here for years!" Y/N whined as he spun himself around again. "Maybe something interesting will happen? Heh, who am I kidding. I'm a flying Faunus who wants to die yet is already dead. Two negatives make a positive!"

"Ya have only been 'ere for a day and yer acting like this?" A gruff voice called out. "Remind me again why I chose ya to wield me..."

"Well, I can start out with my ruggish good looks, my just oh so wonderful personality, or perhaps my insatiable lust? Whatever it may be I assure you that I, Y/N Belladonna, am the perfect choice for a partner!" Y/N said as he began to laugh at his own mockery. However, he soon came to a realization. "Wait...WHO'S THERE?!"

Y/N immediately spun around multiple times looking for the source of the voice. He frantically searched before coming up with nothing as he held his head in his hands.

"I'm going fucking crazy...I'm literally going crazy!" Y/N said laughing as he then began to sob. "I HAD SO MUCH I WANTED TO BANG!"

"Would ya shut up already moron!?" The voice came back as Y/N didn't even bother opening his eyes.

"Go away demon in my head!" Y/N hit himself lightly on the head as a joke before he chuckled. "Wow this is a sad part of my life..."

"To be frank, I'm the only damn thing keeping yer sorry ass alive." The voice retorted as Y/N groaned.

"Oh sure. If you're supposed to be my partner and the only thing keeping me grounded, what could you possibly be?" Y/N scoffed before the voice answered.

"I'm yer sword." The voice said as Y/N frowned.

"Wait a minute that's not what I call my di-" Y/N opened his eyes with a frown before he stopped and stared at the floating sword in front of him. A one handed sword that was practically radiating with divinity floated in front of him as it seemed to be the only thing with light in the entire area. It was around the size of Y/N's arm and glowed a mix between light and dark around the blade. A sharp platinum blade stuck out of a golden black hilt with two protruding sides that curved upwards. On the right side of the hilt, there was a black snake like energy that spiraled around the base of the blade and ended just below the middle. Energy was radiating off of it as Y/N just deadpanned at the sword. "Oh. You're actually a sword. A flying...talking...sword. In my mind."

"Right." The sword said in confirmation before Y/N floated away from it as fast as you can.

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY MIND!? OH GOD AM I GOING CRAZY!?" Y/N said holding his head. "Why did I come up with this stupid plan!"

"Would ya shut up for a sec?" The sword said as it thunked Y/N's head.

"OW!" Y/N said as the sword sighed.

"Ya can't even feel pain jackass." The sword sighed as Y/N just glared at the being.

"Yeah well if I could feel pain it would've hurt." Y/N said crossing his arms. "Now the bigger question is, WHY IS THERE A FLOATING SWORD IN MY HEAD!"

"I told ya. I'm yer sword. How could ya not even remember me?" The sword scoffed as Y/N just deadpanned.

"What do you even mean!?" Y/N retorted. "My sword is dulled and rusty and all black! You look nothing like it at all."

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