Rescuing the Capable Damsel (Part 4)

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"Heading straight to Salem will save me the pain of fighting her with not so much spent energy." Y/N narrowed his eyes. "I'm confident I can beat her.l

He narrowed his hands before shooting off into the sky. He had his eyes set on the peak of Atlas before a iron wall appeared in front of him.

"WHAT TH-" Y/N slammed into the wall at full speed and held the position for a minute before falling down to the road below and being left in a crater. "How...I know I have bad luck but that's not possible..."

"Heh...ha...hahahaha!" A child's voice echoed from the rooftop of the building next to Y/N. He looked upwards to see a shadow dropping down onto him, which eventually ended up with the shadowy figure slamming into his stomach and making him spit up.

"Gwagh!" Y/N coughed frantically as the figure hopped off of him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Challenging the Witch right now is asking for the death of everyone here." The child spoke as Y/N got a better view of the figure. She was as tall as a regular sized ten year old with black hair that bled into a reddish color at the ends. She had two cat ears sitting atop of her head that wiggled when she giggled. Her right eye was a shiny silver while her left eye was a clear amber color. She had what looked to be fangs for her canine teeth and grinned wildly at Y/N. She wore a dress similar to Ruby's own combat skirt, but this dress had frills to it while retaining the black and red color scheme that Ruby had. She wore black and stockings that had cat ears on the tops of them and what looked to be some type of kids sized high heel with flat backs to it. "You're the prince of this story, you can't die just yet!"

"P-Prince?" Y/N groaned as he got up. "I don't know about that, but more importantly, how did you make an anti gravity IRON WALL?!"

"Of course you're the prince! You're trying to make Charlotte fall for you aren't you? Grandpa and Auntie said the same thing!" The little girl proclaimed with her hands on her hips. "Say what you want, but I think that you should go and save your girlfriend first!"

"I don't even know who you are and you're lecturing me?" Y/N cocked an eyebrow. "Also, Charlotte? As in the conniving, haughty, annoying albeit busty Charlotte? She's literally abandoned me! I haven't had a dream or a visit from any of them in forever! Wait, how do you know Charlotte?"

"Heehee." The child gleamed deviously. A scepter appeared out of thin air as she snapped her fingers and stood at attention. Y/N's eyes widened as the little girl grinned up at him. "I am the Relic of Creation! My name is Scarlet as you've heard before. Charlottes been a big meanie recently and all she ever does is watch you with this...scary look in her eyes. It's creepy!"

Y/N just stared and gawked at her as Scarlet grinned.

"Have I left you stunned?" Scarlet asked haughtily. "I'm sure I have! I'm the red riding hood of everyone's dreams!"

"Coulda fooled me, you look like a cat." Y/N pointed at her ears before she pouted and huffed.

"Ears are ears!" The little girl turned her cheek as Y/N cocked an eyebrow. Scarlet blushed before slapping her cheeks lightly. "Focus Scarlet, focus. Grandpa told you to do good!"

"Um...are we supposed to be doing something or?" Y/N asked as Scarlet jumped. "Is this a friendly visit?"

"I'm here to warn you!" Scarlet said reentering the main topic. "If you go to fight the Witch now you'll die and everyone else will too."

"..." Y/N looked at her trying to find a lie or maybe to see if she was an apparition sent by Charlotte or Salem to mess him up. When he found nothing he sighed and looked around. People were beginning to stare at the Faunus who fell out of the sky and is now talking to the air. Scratching his head, he looked back to Scarlet. "Alright I'm staying on course?"

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