Turning Points

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Long update on GLA ahead, here's a TL;DR if you don't want to read the small essay below.


TL;DR: GLA is going to be put on hold so I can focus on this story and make it the best I can. Writing this story is much more fun and I don't feel strained to come up with story elements and OC personalities. I will eventually finish it and reach a solid ending, but not until after FoB. Anyone wants to pick it up and finish it, by all means message me. Thank you to all my OG's who have stuck with me even though I may not have finished their preferred story. I love ya guys!


Alright boys, I got some sad news for my OG readers/followers. As some of you know, FoB wasn't my first story on this site, that goes to Golden Lion Awakens which I wrote up a long time ago. I've been neglecting it for a while and have had numerous people ask me about any updates and I've mistakenly promised to finish the chapter I have been writing for well over 2 months now. Part of it has been laziness and part of it has been writers block, but most of all it's been that I haven't been having as much fun with that story as I am with this. Writing a morally gray chaotic neutral character is much more entertaining than writing a dumb lovable goofball. I will say that I still have many ideas and hopes for GLA and I do plan to finish it with 100% certainty of reaching an end. Trying to flesh out a bunch of OC's I came up with on the spot to fill in story elements was too much and while I had a plan for each, the book would've taken much too long to finish to hit every point. As I've mentioned before, I had an account of FFN that I ended up piling on with 5 different fics that I couldn't keep up with and I eventually just let it sit there and decay. I still feel bad about leaving all that shit not done because it's one of my pet peeves and while I will eventually go to finish it, as of right now I plan on making sure that I finish FoB. I don't want that same thing to happen to this account so I want to focus on one story at a time so that I can write and create better for all of you. I really appreciate the love and support you guys have given me and I promise that I'll try not to disappoint. If anyone else wants to pick it up that's fine with me as well, I can send you notes or my own ideas for it or you can reboot it and take it in your own direction. Again, thanks for the understanding and support, writing anything wouldn't be worthwhile if it weren't for every single one of you. I love you guys, hope you enjoy.


"You think she'll wake up soon?" Blake asked in a hushed voice with her eyes shining in the dark.

"I hope not, I'd rather not be in the room when Weiss wakes up." Ruby responded in an equally hushed tone.


A camera flash went off as Ruby and Blake rubbed their eyes from the bright light in the darkness.

"Score! I can totally use this as blackmail against Weiss. I've needed a few bucks for a while now..." Yang smiled mischievously as she saved the photo she had just taken on her scroll. What was she taking a photo of?

Well, Weiss had discarded her shirt in the night while she had taken off Y/N's. Y/N's scarred torso was on display while Weiss' was wearing her white bra that put her perfect porcelain like body on display. Y/N's pants were halfway down his legs while his boxers were scrunched together with Weiss backed up right into little Y/N. His head rested on top of Weiss' as they were currently spooning with Weiss as little spoon and Y/N as the big one. She was cuddled back up into him with their legs tangled together while Y/N held her as close as he could to his body. His arm was draped over her toned stomach while they both slept peacefully together. The blanket was spread out across both of them, but it seemed like it was discarded throughout the night. On top of that, Y/N had hickeys running down from his neck to his thigh that could only have been done by one person...Weiss herself.

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