Bombshell Revelations: CHOICE

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(This is from the characters perspectives, not my own)

Pyrrha - in harem
Nora - in harem
Arslan - in harem
Amber - in harem
Summer - in harem
Weiss - in harem
Emerald - in harem
Neo - in harem

Raven - Unknown
Cinder - Unknown
Winter - Unknown
Ruby - Unknown
Blake - Unknown
Yang - Unknown
Coco - Unknown
Velvet - Unknown
Jinn - Unknown
Charlotte - Unknown
Malachites - Unknown
Salem - Unknown
Penny - Unknown
Glynda - Unknown

Elmer (still wtf)
Neon Kat

Let me know if I forgot anyone!

Mercury - Confirmed
Human Sienna - Confirmed
Elmer - Unknown
Ozpin - Unknown ;)
Ellen - Unknown
Kali - Unknown
Ghira - Unknown


"Hello?!" Tai called out walking around the destroyed play structure. He and the Ruby group were currently at the playground where Y/N had fought JNPR. They came here because of the large blast of flames that appeared, signifying that Y/N really was here.

"How could they destroy a perfectly good playground?!" Ruby asked wildly as everyone else's deadpanned. "What? It's an honest question!"

"Never change Rubes..." Tai mumbled as he went towards scorch marks on the tree. A nearby tree, the same where Y/N was killed, was currently smoking. Tai rubbed his finger on the soot left behind. "Still warm...they were just here."

"I can see the magical traces left behind. Y/N wasn't the only one here." Summer narrowed her eyes. "It's dark magic, nothing seems to be casted here, but there are remnants tracing from that tree to
that rooftop."

Tai nodded before they both looked at Ruby and agreed mentally.

"Ruby dear, could you come here for a second?" Summer asked sweetly as Ruby dashed to her.


"Do you see these flowing black lines?" Summer asked, pointing towards the magic coursing around the air.

"Mhm! They're a little...blinking though. They keep popping in and out."

"That's normal, you're still training and growing. These are what we call magic remnants. Any kind of magical being, whether Ozpin, Salem, Y/N, or anyone that has the slightest trace of magic in them will always leave these behind." Summer explained as Ruby nodded. "We can only see these because of our eyes, but the others who can see these are the maidens and those with silver eyes. Not even Y/N can see these."

"Ooh..." Ruby cooed as Summer explained more to her. "So is that why silver eyes are so highly wanted?"

"In a way." Summer smiled. "We'll practice on your actual eyes when we aren't in public."

"Okay mom!" Ruby hummed as Summer rubbed her head. Ruby dashed off to Tai inspecting the ground and started telling him where the magic lines were before Summer turned to see Yang and Blake still just hovering around the group. Willow came up to her and spoke softly.

"It's tragic isn't it?" Willow hummed in sadness. "They're completely destroyed emotionally."

"Do you know why?" Summer asked out of curiosity.

"Personally I'd like to say that they were feeling betrayed...but honestly it's quite obvious that they feel they chose the wrong side." Willow crossed her arms as Summer nodded.

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