The Final Act

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Hey boys sorry for the delay, but here's the second to last chapter of this arc! I hope the writing wasn't too confusing, I just love this style of writing. Multiple situations all happening at the same time. I know it's not for everyone, but I hope it was still cohesive nonetheless. As an arc that I made by myself, I genuinely hope that you all were able to enjoy it or have a few laughs here and there. This was a long one, but I genuinely enjoyed writing this original piece on my own. I hope this is the start to the last 40 or so chapters being just as great! Also, just an FYI, Arslan v Tyrion isn't going to be shown in this chapter. It will be called back later!


(With Blake, Weiss, and Velvet during Y/N's trip to get back to the battlefield.)

"Go! Go! Go!" Blake called out as she and Weiss ran through the forest. Blake has Velvet on her back, who was currently still shaking. "C'mon Velvet snap out of it!"

"Stupid bunny, this is not the time to be freaked out!" Weiss grit her teeth. "We need to snap her out of this, without her backup we don't stand a chance! What do we even know about her?!"

"I know barely anything besides what she was like before all of this." Blake said as she dodged a blast of black magic. Balls of evil energy began to fly through the forest as Blake and Weiss kept dodging. "Me and her never got along!"

"I can only imagine why..." Weiss mumbled as they continued running and dodging. "Well if I had to guess, she probably has regenerative properties as well as they ability to construct her body. Just like
Y/N is able to make flame claws and the like, I bet she can do that with her Grimm anatomy!"

"You're probably right!" Blake said as both she and Weiss saw a shadow jump over them from the branches with extreme speed. "But we need a plan and fast!"

"We can't fight her and protect Velvet at the same time!" Blake yelled back as Weiss narrowed her eyes before gritting her teeth with a huff. She came to a halt as Blake looked confused.

"Then go! Shake her out of this, I'll buy you the time you need." Weiss yelled as she whipped around and took out her rapier. She pointed it at the moving black shadow as she switched to ice dust.

"Weiss I can't-" Blake started before she was blown back as a wall of ice came between her and Weiss.

"I wasn't asking Belladonna, now go!" Weiss yelled over the wall as Blake had wide eyes before turning quickly and running away.

"I'll be back soon I swear so don't go dying on me!" Blake cried out as Weiss grinned.

"As if I'd lose to someone like her." Weiss grinned cockily as Sienna dropped down in front of her. They made eye contact as neither of them made a move.

"You know I could go around the wall and continue chasing them right?" Sienna said lazily as Weiss chuckled.

"Yet you won't."

"Oh? You seem pretty damn sure of that Schnee."

"You may dislike Blake, but I think we can both agree you hate me a little bit more than her." Weiss flipped her rapier and inspected it before lazily turning back to Sienna. "Killing a Schnee is all the Faunus have ever wanted to do right?"

"Well, looks like you do have a brain." Sienna sneered as Weiss grinned.

"You know I'm fucking a black cat right? If I wanted to fuck a bitch I would've gotten a dog instead of you." Weiss smirked as Sienna got angrier.

"You know nothing of me or him!"

"Oh did I touch a nerve? I'm sorry, sarcasm falls out of my mouth just like bullshit falls out of yours."

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