The Apple of Adam (Pt 1)

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Nobody will stop talking about it so I wanna say this here first: I haven't seen any of the anime abridges so DBZA, SAO:A, HSA, and all of the other ones I have absolutely no clue what they are or what goes on in them. Not too big a fan of their source material, so I never looked into them, but any cross events or similar wording from mine or their own show is completely coincidental. I know most people probably don't care, but I figured I'd say this now so it doesn't look like plagiarism.


"Atlas?" Tai asked flabbergasted. "Why do you need to go to Atlas?"

"I want the truth from Y/N." Ruby said firmly. "I want to talk to him and save Weiss while I'm at it."

"Oh dear..." Willow said solemnly. "I wish to save my daughter too, but I doubt that that's going to happen."

"That bastard has her locked up?" Tai said angrily. "That's my future step daughter!"

"Tai, calm." Willow cooed as Tai took a breath. "Ruby dear, does Blake and Yang feel the same way?"

"I...I don't know. I haven't talked to them about it." Ruby said sheepishly. "None of us have talked for a few days besides a passing wave or nod. We all try to not make eye contact I guess."

"Oh my baby..." Summer sighed. "I'll go with her. I want to speak my own words to Y/N?"

"Summer, are you sure this isn't just your feelings speaking?" Tai asked, genuinely worried for his ex. "I don't want you or Ruby getting hurt."

"..." Summer paused before sighing. "Tai, everyone, I've been on Y/N's side the entire time. All he did was cover for me. I'm so sorry for lying Ruby, but I just couldn't trust Ozpin at the time. Honestly I couldn't trust any of you."

Summer rubbed her arm solemnly before Ruby ran up and hugged her tight.

"I think...I think a few days ago I would've called you and Y/N a traitor. But he stuck up for you and took the fall. He made himself the villain so that our relationship wouldn't fall through." Ruby hugged her tighter. "I don't wanna lose my mom again!"

"Oh sweetheart." Summer began crying. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. My feelings for Y/N come second to yours or Yangs"

Tai soon joined them after as they all embraced.

"I'm sorry too. To the both of you." Tai said as he rubbed both of their heads. "I've been unfair to Summer and you throughout the years because I was afraid. I just couldn't stand to lose either of you, so I made some awful calls. Summer you're my best friend and Ruby you're my precious daughter. I could never bear it to lose anyone else again. Please forgive me."

Tai began to tear up as everyone else watched the broken family hug. Ruby was the first to recover as she stepped back and wiped her eyes.

"Can we start anew?" Ruby said cutely. "I have so many friends now, three moms, three sisters, and an amazing dad. I don't want to lose anything we had before, but since so much has changed can we start over? As one big happy family?"

"Well if that's how we're doing this..." Tai coughed and wiped his eyes. "Ruby, I'd like you to officially meet Willow Schnee, my fiancé!"

"Hello there Miss Rose!" Willow held her arms out as Ruby crashed into her for a hug. "I'm so happy your father has such a little Cookie Monster looking out for him."

"Dad is kind of an idiot, so we do our best to make sure he doesn't get all grumpy or mopey." Ruby said with stars in her eyes as Willow giggled and Tai blushed. Summer chuckled as she watched the heart warming scene.

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