Icy Forgiveness

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"Hah...hah...hah..." Y/N was down on one knee with his sword placed into the ground. The grimmified Adam was barely standing up as he wobbled back and forth. "This...is getting us no where."

"..." Adam said nothing as huffed and stood back up straight.

The pair had been fighting for hours at this point with both exhausting all of their energy. Y/N was constantly healing and firing blasts of fire and sparks towards Adam while the bull Faunus constantly healed and shot blasts of darkness towards Y/N. Both were matched in swordplay and ranged capabilities, but Y/N was quite obviously holding himself back.

"Why...why are you holding back?" Adam growled out as he gripped his sword. "Even now...you're holding back against me?! What will it take for you to go all out!? You should hate me! Loathe me! So fight with all of your strength!"

Y/N phased in and out of Adam's sword attacks. It was quite obvious Adam was beginning to get winded and Y/N was simply pitying the poor man. He continued dodging left and right before Adam slammed the ground and wave of darkness spread over the area. Y/N narrowed his eyes before disintegrating and appearing right in front of Adam's face. He kicked him upside the chin as Adam stumbled backwards before Y/N punched him in the face with his gauntleted hand. Adam fell backwards as Y/N simply stood there and watched him.

"Stop...stop looking at me with those-those pitiful eyes!" Adam got up and tossed his sword away. Y/N just stared up at him as Adam socked him upside the head. Y/N's face turned and he stumbled backwards before standing back up straight again. Adam punched him again and again as blood poured out of Y/N's mouth and nose. His face was constantly breaking as it healed itself up quicker than it was broken. He grit his teeth and continued taking on the brutal assault from the larger Grimm man. Adam finished the assault and fell to one knee in exhaustion as Y/N looked down on him with hardened eyes. "Even now...I'm still not good enough...how? How are you so strong?"

"I couldn't tell you." Y/N said seriously. "I have the Relic. I have the army and the strongest group of fighters I know. I have the super powers and regeneration...yet I still don't know I keep going. Even now I don't know what my actual purpose is, but maybe there's my answer."

Y/N pointed Graham at Adam as the large bull Grimm fell to his knees while panting.

"Im-Impossible..." Adam said as his body began to smoke. He tried to get up, but his body continued to degenerate. He began to contort as he cried out in pain. "W-What?!"

"Now you see." Y/N said kicking Adam's sword away from him. "Her power isn't a gift. It's a curse. She twists your heart and mind and makes you think she helped you, but as soon as you fail she strips you of that power. You've failed her Adam. Now she's taking back what she gave you."

"Tch...even till the end..." Adam grit his monster like teeth. He punched the ground until Y/N spoke up.

"Are you scared?" Y/N said looking down at him. "Knowing that you'll die because of a betrayal? Knowing you'll die because you were betrayed by someone that was supposed to be on your side?"

"H-Heh...how pathetic." Adam chuckled hoarsely as he spit up black blood. "No...I'm not scared like you are."

"Good to know." Y/N thrusted Graham into Adam without a seconds notice as Adam roared out in agony.

"Partner?! What the fuck are ya doing?!" Graham roared out as Y/N twisted the blade in Adam's gut.

"Argh! F-Fuck you!" Adam grabbed the blade with his claws and tried to push it out.

"..." Y/N looked down at Adam with angered and dark eyes as he slowly jammed the blade farther and twisted it in. "I could kill you before she could. I could destroy you in a second. I'd lose one of my arms, but I could explode you in a matter of seconds."

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