BUNches of Love

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Apologies for the delay.

Recently beat Bloodborne only to find out I'm missing three trophies. Didn't find Cainhurst which means I didn't kill Logarius and then I didn't find Ebrietas. I'm triggered that I have to now do NG+ just to fight these two again. Oh well, I need to do the Old Hunters DLC anyways. Side note, Mergos Went Nurse? What the fuck kind of penultimate boss is that shit. She was as easy as the One Reborn for me, was a serious let down. Pretty sure I had more trouble with the Celestial Emissary. At least Gehrman was an absolute beast of a boss, unlike your boy Moon Moon the biggest letdown of a final boss ever.

Also yes. Yes I am using Like A Dream Come True (P4) for everyone. Deal with it.


"Ugh...I know the girls leave Sunday, but one entire week with 6 consecutive dates? I think I might actually croak." Y/N groaned as he sat up in his bed. The sunrise shined in his window as he rubbed his head with a sigh. "My dick is gonna have to start lifting weights...and I'm not talking about funbags."

"Well, yer the one who decided to take on an entire harem." Graham responded as Y/N hopped out of bed and began to get dressed. Threw on F/O (favorite outfit) and grabbed Graham. Slipping on his shoes he made his way downstairs and slipped outside quietly, making sure not to wake anyone.

"Maybe if ya planned for this it wouldn't have been as difficult to set up. 6 girls with different personalities all going on 6 very different dates? Are ya fucking stupid?"

"Shut up you hunk of junk, I don't want to hear that from you Mr. I'm A Fucking Dragon for some reason." Y/N scoffed before he and Graham laughed with each other. Y/N sat on the stairs leading up to his house for an hour, chatting with Graham about his future plans for the Relics and Salem.

"There's also the issue with Beacon itself, let alone-"

"Wait Y/N." Graham interjected.


"Yer forgetting about yer personal life." Graham began. "Set yer own problems aside right now, yer girls all have ambitions of their own and all that. Let alone that, but yer gonna have to meet their families! That's like 15 dads yer gonna have to win over!"

"Uh Graham? Pretty it's like 8 dads." Y/N deadpanned as Graham tried to formulate a response.

"Er, forgot about that one." Graham chuckled sheepishly as Y/N followed suit. They soon quieted down as Y/N heard the front door open and shut as Velvet timidly appeared. Y/N's eyes widened slightly as he looked her up and down. She wore small white top with long sleeves that showed off her midriff by hanging over it loosely. Below she wore a pair of leggings and two brown boots that went up just past her ankles. Her hair looked even more light and she was obviously wearing makeup, which only served to enhance her beauty. She pushed her hair out of her eyes as she smiled at Y/N, obviously embarrassed.

"M-Morning Y/N." Velvet beamed at him as Y/N just gawked. "How do I look?"

"I-Oh, y-you look amazing!" Y/N stammered.

"Smooth one." Graham chided with a chuckle as Y/N blushed. He continued eyeing Velvet as he gulped.

'What's wrong with me? They're clothes...just clothes! I've never been thrown off like this before...what's wrong with me?!'

Y/N freaked out in his mind before coming to a realization. There was probably a good reason why Velvet was dressed so acutely to his tastes. He deadpanned before face palming.

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