Touching Meetings and Big Revelations

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A/N: No update for the rest of the week boys, sorry about that. You know how it is, holiday things to do and all that. Speaking of that, have a happy holiday and a merry Christmas guys. Whatever you celebrate or even if you don't, take some time for yourselves, kick back, N's relax with family. I love ya! Have a good one guys!

Quick note: I'm going to be recommending some music for the next few chapters. Specifically, the next fights as well as the meetings between certain characters. For the actual war part, well, any Attack on Titan music works wonderfully.






"The fuck?" Y/N looked confused as Arslan bowed down to him. A crowd of Faunus began to gather around the area as everyone at the docks became increasingly interested in what was going on. Murmurs of Arslan Altan bowing down to a black cat Faunus with three slaves trailing along behind him was already running its course throughout the city. Even more so to the fact that the Faunus was Y/N Belladonna.

"Y/N...I know you said you were famous, but isn't this the resistance?" Weiss said on edge, leaning into Y/N. Summer and Velvet got a little closer to him too before he waved his hand. Neo looked like she was going to stab someone in the throat as she twirled her umbrella around.

"Stand down..." Y/N sighed as Weiss, Summer, and Neo all relaxed. He kept a hand in Check as he stared down at Arslan. "So you're Arslan Altan?"

"Affirmative sir." Arslan replied calmly. "I have been preparing for your arrival into Menagerie for days now. The compound is set up and I have already briefed the guards about the upcoming change in leadership. Everyone is awaiting your claim to the throne."

Y/N looked around to see everyone whispering about him before looking back to see his girls and Summer looking extremely uncomfortable with the situation. In fact, Y/N himself was extremely confused at the situation as he was just trying to wrap his head around. Somehow the leader of a resistance against the White Fang had overtaken the city through sheer popularity and had somehow anticipated his arrival. Now she was calling him king? This was a bit too much. Wasn't exactly a bad feeling though, it was about damn time someone didn't try to use him as soon as they met him and recognized his worth.

"So you're Arslan..." Y/N mumbled as Arslan stood up along with the soldiers.

"Affirmative." Arslan said a bit too seriously as she radiated a calm energy. Y/N couldn't exactly say anything concrete, but her presence alone was extremely calming. Like just her being close to him put him at ease. Unfortunately, Y/N learned that feeling was what assassins and spies used to get closer to their mark. "Was your trip satisfactory?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, it was fine. As much as any boat can be." Y/N said nonchalantly.

"Are you perhaps hungry or thirsty? I have met with your parents and they have already made lunch." Arslan spoke as she turned to her soldiers. "At ease men. Take the rest of the day off and rejoice that our king has arrived."

The soldiers roared with happiness as everyone surrounded Y/N and began chanting his name. Y/N looked confused as the citizens began chanting his name.

"Y/N has returned!"

"He really did survive!"

"Down with Taurus!"

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