Chaptuh 30

875 15 2

I really hope that everyone is enjoying this story! Thanks for reading :)

MASSIVE THANK YOU TO @hamdyrocks for  helping me get more fans/reads :D


Rysnna's POV

After about 45 minutes, everyone was showered and ready for the day. During that whole time, everyone was taking turns teaching me how to use my new phone. Right now Harry is trying to show me how to make a new contact, but I have a feeling that he is going to do something else...

I grabbed my phone out of his hands as he opened up the settings. "Hey! Why did you do that?!" he yelled while trying to get the phone back.

"I know your plan! You will never get my number," shouted and started to get up. He grabbed my wrist to pull me back down, but I jerked away and ran back into the bathroom.

"Never, Styles!" I shouted from inside the bathroom.

"You need to come out, love. We need to have a meeting. Harry will behave, I promise!" Liam said from the other side of the door. Well, Liam would never lie to me...

"Okay!" I replied to him and I slowly opened the door. I think that everyone went to the living room already because there was no one outside the door. I stepped out of the bathroom and was about to make my way to the living room when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and a hand went over my mouth. I tried to fight my way out, but they held on to me and stole my phone from my hand.

"Ahh, now where was I?" I heard Harry say as he released me and turned my phone on. I lunged towards him, but another pair of arms held me back. What?

"I need your number, too," I heard Zayn say. I tried kicking him, but that didn't really affect him. He had his hand over my mouth, so I really couldn't yell for help. I wasn't about to give up, though.

I bit down on his hand and he let go, swearing. "LOUIS!" I yelled right before Zayn put his hand back over my mouth.

"Really Rysnna?" I heard him mumble. Ha! Louis will come and save me. Lou came running into the room a second later and surveyed the scene. It probably looked a little funny. One guy scrolling through a phone and another keeping a girl captive.

"SUPERMAN!" Louis screamed as he ripped his shirt off, revealing the superman shirt. He ran over to Harry and grabbed my phone quickly. He turned around just as Zayn started to drag me into the bathroom. I was screaming in his hand and trying to stop him, but nothing was working.

"I will save you Rysnna!" Louis yelled and he tackled Zayn to the ground. The only problem is that Zayn fell on me along with Louis. Even Harry fell on top of us because he was trying to hold Louis back.

"Can't...Breathe..." I managed to get out as I was squished at the bottom. Well, this backfired....

"What are you guys doing!? We need you to get into the living room!" Liam exclaimed as he walked in and saw the mountain of bodies.

"Where is Rysnna? I texted her, but she didn't answer," Liam asked as he checked the bathroom.

"Here..." I managed to grunt and twitch my hand. Liam spun around and ran over to me.

"God, guys get off of the poor girl!" Liam yelled as he pushed everyone off of me. I gasped a breath in and just laid there.

"You okay, love?" Liam asked as he helped me up. I nodded as I took my phone from Lou's hand and walked into the living room.

Once I finally could breathe normally, I sad," Lads, you are fat!" The boys were entering the room and taking seats on the couches. Zayn, Lou, and Harry looked at me shocked.

"What!?"I asked. There I go being mean again... I looked down at my lap. "Sorry," I mumbled.

Zayn and Liam took the seats next to me. "Love we aren't mad! It's just that you're the first girl that has ever called us fat!" Zayn said while laughing.

"Well, when you are being crushed by 3 guys, your definition of fat changes..." I replied as leaned onto Liam's shoulder. He chuckled and put his arm around me.

"Okay, we have some serious business to take care of, though!" Liam said, suddenly becoming serious and we all sat up straighter. This is going to be good...

Liam stood up and walked to the space in front of the couches. "All I'm saying is that is certainly wasn’t me and I don't think that it was Zayn...I want the prankster to turn themselves in right now," Liam said sternly while looking all of us in the eyes. Please don't catch me...

"Let's go down the line of our possible victims... First up is Niall. What do you have to say?" Liam asked Niall while standing directly above him.

"Well, do you really think that i would put hot sauce on my own pizza or waste all of that precious whip cream!?" Niall asked, appalled by the fact that food was wasted. We all chuckled.

"How do we know that you weren't faking it when you ate the pizza!?" Liam exclaimed. "Anyways, let's go on to Harry... What do you have to say?"

"My hair!! Why would I perform such a horrible act upon these luscious curls!? Where would I get a bow, anyways?" Harry argued while stroking his now curly hair. He's lucky that it didn't stay straight after his shower...

"True... Rysnna?" Liam asked as he walked over to me.

"Um, I wouldn't want to do such things to those who are allowing me to tour with them. Plus, where would I get all of those things?" I responded innocently with my big blue eyes. This better work.

"Yeah, you're not the prankster," Liam said as he moved onto Louis. "Now, this is the most likely culprit..."

"What!? For once, this wasn't my idea! Just ask Rysnna! I was in her bed all night!

"I guess bu-" Liam started, but was interrupted when Zayn stood up.

"Around 12:30, Rysnna was in my bed and when I woke up she wasn't there...." Zayn added while looking at me nervously. Really!?

"Yeah, because you ended up pushing me off the bed and I couldn't get back on!" I argued while looking him in the eye. I think that they will find me innocent...

"Yeah, I guess... Sorry I thought that you were the culprit," he apologized and I got to hug him.

"Okay, so our interrogation is inconclusive. The prankster better step up now...." Liam threatened while we all remained silent. Ha! This is hilarious! I just hope that we don't get caught and get in trouble...

"Well, no one will talk, so there will consequences. NO Nando’s until someone reveals themself," Liam declared.

"WHAT!?" Niall screamed in horror. His face looked as though he just watched a puppy die.

"You heard me!” Liam exclaimed while looking smug. Really, Liam? This isn't going to make us reveal ourselves. Niall started to sob into Harry's shoulder.

"It's over Liam! At least Harry understands my basic needs!" Niall cried out while hugging Harry. They are so weird...

"We don't even have a Nando's in America! How about I make you guys a real lunch?" I asked as we all just sat there, bored.

Niall's face lit up. "Of course! Let me take you to the kitchen," he replied as he helped me up and we walked to the kitchen. All of a sudden, I tripped on the corner of the counter and......


 Here is the first update for the day! I hope that you enjoy it :) PLEASE COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE PART/LINE :)

~T. Rysnna 12.31.12

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