Chapter 42

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Hey guys! I have something I need to tell you guys tomorrow, so please watch for an update or two! Anyways, thanks so much for reading/commenting/fanning/voting! Please keep it up! Also, can you help me get some more readers that are as great as you guys? ;)






Rysnna's POV

I looked up at Niall who was looking at me curiously. "It's Liam," I sighed as I brushed some grass off of my pants. Niall grinned and leaned over to look at my phone.

"Well, don't answer it yet," Niall suggested as he got up off of the ground and reached down to help me up. He has a point...

"I like the way you think, you evil leprechaun!" I said approvingly as we started down a path that led to the river. It was a Monday morning, so there weren't too many people out and it was only about seven in the morning. My phone beeped, which let me know that Liam left a voice mail and a minute later, Niall's phone started to go off.

I groaned," I have a feeling that our phones are going to be going off all day long!"

"Yup, but let's just have some time to relax in the park, okay? Just tune the ringing out," he suggested as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a bench in front of the river. The water glistened in the sunlight and was relatively calm looking. We sat there for a while and just relaxed while our phones kept ringing.

"Niall, I always thought that you were one of the loud ones. Why are you so quiet today?" I asked as I looked over at him. His eyelids were slightly drooping and he looked extremely calm.

"I didn't get too much sleep last night, so I'm pretty tired. Also, this place reminds me of home. It's so beautiful and natural," Niall confessed as he looked out over the water. I watched him and realized that he had dark circles under his eyes and did look tired.

"Niall, you can lean on me if you want to go to sleep for a while," I said and he looked up at me.

"That sounds like a great idea. You don't mind though, do you?" He asked as he scooted closer to me.

"Nope, I would actually like to stay here for a while. What time do you want to go back at?" I replied as he laid his head gently on my shoulder. We don't want to be too late and have Liam freak out too much.

"How about you wake me up at 9ish and we can talk about it then?" he responded drowsily. I nearby jogger passed us and looked at us oddly, but I ignored them.

"That's good with me. You can go to sleep now," I said as I smoothed his bleached hair. After about five minutes, his breathing evened and I could tell that he was asleep. Now, what am I going to do...?

I pulled out my phone and was about to start to play a game, but saw that I had six missed calls and loads of texts. I sighed as I looked through the texts.

From: Daddy D

To: Rysnna

Rysnna, why aren't you two here? Please answer your phone! We're sorry for what happened.

From: Vain Malik

To: Rysnna

Rysnna, I'm a bit worried. Where are you two? Please text us back. If you're still mad, we are really sorry. Can we talk this over in the bus? Be safe.

From: Unknown

To: Rysnna

This is Haz. I'm so sorry about last night. Please come back to the bus! We are getting very worried and hope that you guys are safe. PLEASE call or text one of us. Liam is frantic and Lou is not much better. Don't even get me started on Zayn! He hasn't even fixed his hair and won't stop calling/texting you and Niall.

From: Vain Malik


If you guys don't respond by eight, we will come out and search for you. Please talk to me,Rysnna! Is everything okay?

From:Daddy D


We are going to come and look for you two pretty soon if you don't call us. Please let us know if you're alright. We are all getting pretty frustrated. Lou even threw his phone at the wall and broke it after attempting to call Niall. Please.

I was surprised to see all of the texts and didn't even bother to listen to the voicemails that were left by the boys. I felt a bit bad, but then remembered how they tied me to a chair for a night. They want me to forgive them all of a sudden!? I'll let them know that we're alright, but I'm not coming back to the bus yet.

I didn't feel like responding to them directly, so I opened up my Twitter.

~1DRysnna- Good morning everyone! It's so humiddd today. Hopefully it doesn't get too hot this afternoon :/

Almost immediately after I sent that tweet out, I got three texts from the lads. I sighed and opened up the first one that was from Liam.

From: Daddy D.


Where are you!? I now know that you aren't dead or kidnapped, but I need you back at the bus now. I'm sorry for everything that happened last night!

From: Vain Zayn

To: Rysnna

Ok, so you are alright! We need you back at the bus with Niall now! Remember that you can talk to me. You don't know how mad I am at myself for doing that to you last night. Please forgive me!

From: Unknown

To: Rysnna

Thank God that you are okay! We were so worried. Please come back to the bus! Also, can you just send me a text or call one of us? We are extremely sorry for what we did!

Why are they so frantic? Niall and I will come back soon or later! I mean, 1/5 of a boy band can't go unnoticed for long! My anger at them slowly melted away as I thought about it more and more. I would have done the same thing if it was up to me and I would be worried if I woke up and my friends were missing.

I decided to text Harry back a reply and jumped a bit when a small snore erupted from Niall's mouth. Holy crap! That scared me! I almost forgot that he was there! I turned back to my phone and typed my text out after I added Harry to my contacts.

To: Haz

From: Rysnna

Hey, Haz. This message is for you an all of the lads. Niall and I are fine and safe. We don't want you to worry or anything. We will be back before the bus leaves at three, okay? I'm sorry that I didn't answer the calls and texts. I was overreacting a bit. I mean, I would have done that to you guys if it were me. Also, be prepared for payback ;)

I laughed as I sent the text and thought of some of the pranks I could play on them. This will be fun... I can just imagine all of them panicking right now and being paranoid. I was pulled out of my daydream when my phone started to ring. I looked down at the caller ID to see that it was Zayn who was calling. Arghh. I sent them a text! Isn't that enough for a while? I looked at the phone for a moment trying to decide whether or not I should answer it or not. Should I?

I heard the click of a camera and jumped. Oh, crapppp...


Let's try something new! Whoever has the funniest comment that pertains to this story, get's a mention and I might promote their book. Feel free to just comment regularly,though. I just wanted to try something fun :D Hope that you liked this chapter, even though it's kind of short...

~T.Rysnna 1.5.13

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