Chapter 60

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Hello! I'm back for the weekend! I hope that you all like this chapter. Help me get up to 7500 reads please!? Thanks for everything :D


Rysnna's POV

"I hate you," I mumbled as Louis guided me towards the living area. He laughed and pulled me down to the seat next to him on the couch. The lads followed after, groaning and shooting glares at me. It wasn't my fault that they were trying to force me to watch a movie when I want to be left alone!

Zayn took the seat on the other side of me and Harry lay on the floor in front of our couch while Niall and Liam shared the other couch. I laughed when I saw that Niall had filled the living area floor with sweets and 'crisps'. He was sitting on the couch looking down over the food as if he was a king. I quickly got my phone out and snapped a picture, smirking to myself.

@1DRysnna: The king is looking out over his kingdom. May the odds ever be in their flavor... (Insert picture)

"What are you smirking about?" Zayn asked quietly as he looked over my shoulder. Lou followed suit and they laughed when they saw my tweet.

"Rysnna, you know just when to take pictures!" Zayn chuckled as he handed me a bag of candies from the floor. You got that right bro! I tore the bag of Reese's Pieces, AKA edible gold, and shielded the opening from Lou's hand as he reached over to grab some. I growled and bit his hand, causing him to jerk back. Well, he has to learn sometime!

"Rys!" he exclaimed, now trying to yank the bag from my grasp. Oh no he isn't!

"MY CHOCOLATE!" I screamed, now in a tug-of-war with Lou and the bag of sweets. NOBODY eats MY chocolate!

"Nadie come mi chocolate!" I screamed the Spanish phrase in frustration, still struggling to gain possession of my candy. These things are hard to find! Who knows how long it will be before I eat them again!

"Rysnna and Louis, stop that right now!" I heard Liam say, but we ignored him as he fought for the bag of chocolaty goodness. I felt Zayn trying to pull me back, but I kicked at him and maintained my hold on the bag. Lou's eyes were flashing as he tried to intimidate me into giving the candy up. I glared back at him, never breaking eye contact.

"If you two don't stop fighting over that candy, I will make you two go to bed early without watching the movie!" Liam threatened from off to the side. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. It's not like I wanted to watch the movie anyways!

Louis yanked on the bag and suddenly, we heard a crack and all of the candies flew out onto the ground. My mouth dropped open and I looked down at the floor in shock. My babies... A dead silence filled the air as my blood boiled and I slowly looked up at Louis to find him smirking. Oh, he's going to pay!

"IN THE NAME OF CHOCOLATE!" I screamed, quickly breaking the silence.

I lunged at him, punching him and his eyes widened in shock. He tumbled off of his spot on the couch and I fell with him, not about to let him escape. Louis tried to stop me, but eventually just ended up fighting back. I heard laughter coming from the lads, but the fight didn't last long, as a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me from slapping Louis.

"Rysnna! Lou! Stop that!" Zayn yelled, dragging me by my arm to the other side of the room and I looked up to see Harry filming us, as Liam tried to pull Lou away from me. Niall was still sitting on the couch, eating popcorn as though he was at the good part in a movie. I scowled up at Zayn who was glaring at me.

"He started it!" I whined as I saw Lou stick his tongue out at me from his spot on the floor across the room. That little whiny brat!

"And I ended it!" Liam retorted as he stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips. God, is that the best comeback that he could think of? Niall and Harry were laughing their butts off and Harry moved to stand in front of the TV, Twitcamming the whole ordeal. I will make him pay...

"She's the one that wouldn't share any of her candy! She did say that sharing is caring earlier! Remember!?" Louis argued pointing at me. Zayn turned to me, clearly having remembered when I said that. Great...

"Oooooohhhh! Rysnna, you just got burnnned!" Harry stated happily, grinning over at me.

"Why Rysnna, you did say that..." Zayn replied, smirking evilly. What!? Out of all the things that I say, they choose to remember this!?

"What!? That only applies for you guys! NOT me and my beloved chocolate!" I yelled, outraged that Zayn was turning against me.

“I just wanted one piece!" Louis exclaimed as he tried to stand up, but Liam pushed him back down onto the ground.

"One piece too many!" I retorted angrily. My chocolate cannot be messed with. We have a very mutualistic relationship.

"Both of you shut up! You will be punished tomorrow. For now, we will keep you separated so we can watch the movie in peace!" Liam declared, now allowing Lou to return to his seat. I scowled and stuck my tongue out at Liam, who didn't notice. Shame...

"Come on, Rys. I'll sit between you two," Zayn held out his hand to help me up from the ground, now deciding to be nice to me in hopes that I won’t get too mad. Yeah right! Traitor.

"No thanks, I think that I'll sit with Niall," I replied, getting up on my own and taking a seat at the end of the couch Niall and Liam shared. Niall grinned enthusiastically and put his arm around me.

"I'm sowee Rysnna!" Zayn pouted from his spot next to Louis. I rolled my eyes at him throwing a stray candy into my mouth.

"That face doesn't work on me, Malik," I said pulling my knees up onto the couch. I'm too comfortable now to move anyways.

"Argh! Let's just watch this movie now," Harry groaned after waving good bye to the camera on his phone and throwing it down on the floor next to him.

"Someone's up past their bed time!" I sang watching him grab a pillow and blanket from Lou and Zayn's couch.

"You're the one who tried to beat Lou up because he wanted a piece of candy!" he argued, as he got comfortable on the floor. I scoffed and motioned for Liam to start the movie. Please don't be a horror movie...

The music came on and I immediately knew what film we were watching. I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter!

"Okay, whoever picked this movie is my new favorite!" I announced looking at the lads.

"Uh, I don’t know who switched the movie. We originally had a horror movie in there..." Zayn said, looking at the lads, trying to figure out who changed the disc.

"Sorry, lads. I didn't feel like watching a horror movie. Plus, Rysnna doesn’t' seem to enjoy them... Who doesn't love Harry Potter!?" Niall explained, hugging me.

"Praise the lawd and all that's howwlly!" I exclaimed happily as the other lads scowled at Niall.

"We wanted to scare her, though!" Lou whined and I glared at him. Of course...

"Ehh, I guess Harry Potter is good enough," Liam commented as he picked the remote back up.

"Wait, Rysnna you said that you would have a new favorite. Who was your old favorite?" Harry asked with his eyebrows raised. The lads all turned to look at me, eager to find out who had had the favorite One Direction member status.

"Won't be telling you that!" I smirked at them. Plus, it is impossible to choose a favorite! Well, Lou can be knocked off the list of contenders now...

"No fair!" Zayn stuck his tongue out at me and Liam started to play the movie. I leaned onto Niall's side, ready to watch one of the best movies ever filmed.


Did you like it!? I really hope you did! PLEASE comment, vote, and fan! Spread my story around if you can! PS: If I get five comments I'll tell you something exciting!

~T.Rysnna 2.8.13

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