Chapter 75

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Hello my dear readers! Sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while! I just published a Megachapter for "Quick Goodbye" last weekend, so I didn't get to update this story :/ Once, I get on vacation there should be more chapters and maybe another story... ;) I really hope that you enjoy this chapter even though it is a bit of filler. I feel like I'm losing readers *cue sad face* Don't leave me!

PS: I almost didn't write this chapter :O Also, it is over 300 words longer than usual!


Harry's POV

I groaned quietly as I was pushed onto the floor. What? I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around the living room. Oh, I must have fell asleep in here last night. I looked up at the couch to find that Niall and Louis were fast asleep and there was no more space for me. I sighed and looked over at the other couch and saw that Liam had fallen asleep too, sprawled out across the whole couch.

Looks like I will either have to wake up for good or go to my own bunk. I yawned as I stood up and peered out the window in the living area. I cringed as I pushed the curtain aside and light streamed into the bus. Okay, I guess that I'm wide awake now...

Maybe Rys will help me make some breakfast. I slowly trudged into the bunk area and walked over to her bunk. She was lying face up, her eyes closed and her breathing steady. I poked her cheek, but got no response.

"Rysnna, will you help me make some breakfast?" I whispered, but still got no reaction. I frowned and tried to shake her awake. Weird...

I decided that she probably needs her sleep and walked back into the kitchen area to make breakfast alone. I pulled out a skillet to make eggs in and started to put some toast in the toaster.

After a while of cooking, I heard someone get up in the other room and was soon greeted by a hungry Niall.

"Food!" he cheered silently, leaning on the counter as I threw some cheese onto the eggs.

"Yup. Can you butter the toast for me while I do this?" I replied, scooping equal portions of eggs onto six plates on the table.

"Morning," Liam yawned as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of tea that I had made.

"Good morning," Niall and I replied before returning to our tasks. Liam crossed over to the small window and opened it up to let the breeze come through.

"How about you two go wake up the others while I finish up in here?" Liam suggested, taking the skillet from my hands.

"Okay. I'll go wake Zayn and Rys up," I stated before heading into the bunk area.

"Zayn! Wake up!" I exclaimed trying to wake him up without making him angry. He mumbled something before turning over and falling back asleep.

"Zayn!" I screamed right into his ear and he sat up sleepily before glaring at me.

"Yes?" he replied, hopping out of his bunk and onto the floor.

"Breakfast is ready. I'd go get some unless you want Niall to eat all of it," I warned him and he nodded, running his hands through his hair.

"Harry! Can you come here? I can't find any sugar for the tea!" Niall called from the kitchen.

"Can you wake Rysnna?" I asked Zayn and he nodded before walking over to her bunk.

"Coming Niall!" I yelled, walking back into the kitchen to help him. I still feel half asleep. Maybe I shouldn't stay up so late watching Pokémon...


Zayn's POV

"Rysnna! Wake up. It's time for breakfast and we have a concert in Tennessee today," I said, trying to shake Rysnna awake. I waited for her to sit up, but she lay motionless, not awake at all.

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