Chapter 22

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Hey guys! Here's another chapter! Hope you enjoy it and thnaks for all of the comments!

~T. Rysnna <3


Let's see.... Rysnna's POV for now Oh! I have a good idea....

As we entered the parking lot, I noticed that the restaurant was Italian. Oh, this is going to be so good! When the car stopped, everyone piled out of it and walked into the restaurant.

"Louis?" I asked as we trailed behind the group.

"Yeah?" he replied as he opened the door for me and stepped into the restaurant.

"Can we discuss our plan soon? We need to make sure that Zayn and Harry get hit the worst, okay?" I asked mischievously. Pay back!

"Wow, I see that you are a fan of revenge! Our little, innocent Rysnna is actually evil! Not that I didn't know that already!" Louis exclaimed as we found the table the boys were sitting at. We walked up to t and I took he seat in between Niall and Louis. Unfortunately, I was across from Zayn, but I decided to just ignore him.

"So, Rysnna we got you your phone... Will you please accept it from all of us?" Liam pleaded with me from beside Zayn. Of course Zayn would have Liam ask me. No one could say no to him.

"Uh, I'd rather not. Thanks for the offer, though," I replied quietly. All of their faces fell and I felt bad for my decision. The table was silent as we put in our drink orders and got our menus.

"Uh, guys I'm going to take a walk with Rysnna, okay?" Louis asked as he took my hand and guided me out of the restaurant. What? Why are leaving?

Once we got to the car, Lou opened the door and motioned for me to get inside of it. He's going to try to get me to take the phone isn’t he? Well, it's not going to work!

"Rys, can you please tell me the reason why you don't want the phone? Is it because you like pears better than apples?"

I smiled at his joke. Of course he would make such a serious conversation funny... "I just don't find the need for a phone!" I replied, hoping that he would take that for an answer.

"Rysnna, I know that hat isn't true. I saw you look at that phone, amazed earlier." he replied while making me look him in the eyes. I could tell that he was frustrated, but I could also see that I could trust him.

"It's a long story," I said cryptically. I hope that he will just leave me alone...

He raised his eyebrows, "I'm sure that you can summarize."

"How about we just forget about it?" I asked and tried to get out of the car. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Please tell me! You know that you can trust me," he pleaded with his big blue eyes. Can I really trust him? I think I might be able to since he has shown me hi other more caring side. What happens if he is faking though? I think that I'll just give him a very basic explanation that is somewhat true.

"I really don't like it when people buy me things, especially when they are expensive," I explained to him while looking at my lap.

"Please don't be like that! We love having you as a friend and wanted to get you a phone,' he replied while hugging me.

"You don't get it," I said and pulled out of his hug, “I don't have enough money to pay you back and for the contract!" I realized what I just said. I really shouldn't have blurted that out...

Lou's eyes widened and he responded, “You don't need to pay us back! We have plenty of money and just wanted to get you a welcome gift."

""I don’t want it to seem like I'm just here to get money and gifts, though," I replied while looking out the window."

"Love, we would never think that of you. You've proved that you aren't already! Please accept the phone," he reasoned with me and tilted my chin up so that I was looking him in the eyes. I felt as though I might be able to trust him, but decided that I should never trust anyone because that never works out well for me.

"No, I really don't want a phone..." I argued with him. I saw his face fall and I immediately felt bad. He was usually always happy.

"Rysnna, all of us love having you on the bus and we need you to have a phone for safety purposes. I'm not taking no for an answer!" he stubbornly said. God, I'm not going to get out of this car for another twenty years, am I?

"If you want me to have a phone so bad, why don't we just take that one back and get a cheaper one?" I asked and hoped that he would agree.

"Absolutely not! We want you to have this one!" he argued back and reached into his back pocket. He pulled out the phone and gently pressed it into my hands.

"Please just take it, Rysnna!" he pleaded desperately. My heart broke seeing him so sad. NO! This must be part of his plan!

"This is part of your plan isn't it? Looking so sad just to make me take the phone," I asked while putting the phone back in his hand.

"Partially. I mean, I am actually sad, too. Please take the phone, though!"

"I'm tired of arguing with you, so I'll just take the phone!" I finally agreed. What have I gotten myself into?

"YAY!" Louis screamed and hugged me tightly. Wow, I think that I am officially deaf now.

"Shhh! You're so loud! Just to let you know, I will be using this phone as little as possible!" I said and pushed Louis onto the floor. His face was priceless. "Why did you do that!?" he asked.

"You were being annoying!" I replied while pushing him back onto the ground.

"Oh, shut up Rysnna! Let's go!" he said and opened the car door. We both stepped out into the bright sunlight and covered our eyes. Why did I have to forget to bring sunglasses!?

"Come on, I bet that the food is already there!" Louis exclaimed and pulled me into the restaurant. As we approached the table, the lads cheered when they saw t e phone in my hand.

"How it you do it, Louis!?" Harry exclaimed, while looking amazed. Louis and I found our seats and sat own.

"Well, it was hard, but I can't be defeated!" Louis boasted.

"You will be if you don't shut up..." I threatened while eating the bowl of pasta the boys had ordered for me.

"Ohhh! You better watch out Lou!" Niall said while scarfing down his bowl of pasta. He is like a vacuum!

I looked across the table and noticed that Zayn was staring at me. "What?" I glared at him. The others were in their own conversation so they didn't notice us.

"I'm sorry Rysnna! I will never do something like that again! Please forgive me." he exclaimed while looking very sad. Maybe I was overreacting...

"I'm sorry, too. I was overreacting and shouldn't have acted like I did. Friends?" I asked while sticking my hand out.

His face lit up and his eyes sparkled as he reached out and shook my hand, “Friends!"


Wow! This was a realllllly long chapter! Merry Christmas Eve! Thanks for reading and commenting!That's a lot of exclamation points! Hahhaha!

~T.Rysnna 12.24.12

PS- there might be another update today if this chapter gets enough reads....

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