Chapter 54

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Hello everyone! Thanks for reading/voting/commenting! I hope that you guys will fan me,too :D I decided to update today (there MIGHT even be another...), so here you go... Did you guys see how everyone's reads disapeared last night!? I was not amused -_- Wattpad was acting all crazy yesterday! Anyways... follow the story on Twitter - @1DRysnna (that is if i can remember the password...) Also i just read one of the best fanfics ever!!! It was called Take Me As I Am YOU MUST READ IT!!!!


Rysnna's POV

My eyes snapped open to meet six pairs of extremely concerned eyes. Louis and Zayn were looking at me anxiously from their seat on my bunk. Still half asleep, I scooted away from them quickly and sat up with my back pressed against the wall.

"Rysnna, are you okay?" Louis asked, his blue eyes full of worry. The tears filled my eyes up as I remembered my nightmare. The image of the bus driving away from me as I lie in the puddle flashed through my mind. My throat locked up and I was unable to speak.

"Rysnna?" Zayn asked, reaching over to pull me into a hug, but I flinched away. Hurt flashed through his dark eyes as he sat back, looking defeated. I stared down at my hands, hoping that they could leave me alone.

"Lads, I got this, you can go back to sleep," I heard Harry say from the ground. Lou and Zayn hesitated, but jumped down and retreated to their own beds, shooting me worried glances. Niall and Liam took the hint and also went to their beds, frowns on their faces.

Harry climbed up into my bunk and scooped me up into his arms, carrying me to the living area. I was too tired and scared to even protest (like Jimmy). He gently set me down on the couch and sat beside me for a while as I put my heads in my hands and cried. What if this nightmare becomes reality? I shuddered at the thought and tears came faster.

Harry pulled me up next to him and rubbed my back as I sobbed into his shoulder, not asking me any questions yet. "Rysnna, calm down, love. It was just a bad dream," Harry whispered into my ear, trying to calm me down. What he said only made me cry harder. This could happen at any point this summer!

"Shhh," he cooed to me as he pulled a blanket over us. He pulled back and tilted my chin up, "Why don't you tell me about it. It will make you feel better." His green eyes pleaded with me and I could tell that he was genuinely concerned.

I shook my head and tried to get up from the couch, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back. "You don't have to tell me right now if you don’t want to," he assured me and we sat in silence for a while, my crying the only thing that we could hear at this time of night.

"You know, when I was younger, I had horrible nightmares like you. My mom would always make me some tea. Would you like me to make you some?" he suggested, starting to get up. I shook my head and pulled him back. He sighed and stroked my messy hair, hugging me.

After my sobs had subsided I looked up at him to find him watching me with his bright eyes. I took a deep breath, ready to tell him what happened. He nodded encouragingly, a curl falling in front of his eyes. He flicked it away, annoyed, but kept his eyes on me.

"Y-You guys kicked m-me off the bus... Y-you said that I-I was worthless!" I cried out and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Rys, we would never do that to you! No matter what happens we couldn't just kick you off the bus!" he reasoned with me, but I looked down at my hands, knowing that it would happen some day.

"Rysnna! You have to believe me! That wouldn't happen ever!" he argued as he tried to make me look him in the eyes. I sighed, unable to look at him.

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