Chapter 76

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Hello! I didn't think that I was going to update again, but I think that I've been proved wrong once again! I hope that you enjoy this chapter since this will be the last one for the weekend :D I might not be able to update anything next weekend because of an event I have to go to on Saturday. Enjoy!


Niall's POV

Urghhh, this is getting kind of boring! Lou and I have been sitting in the bunk area for almost a hour now and nothing has happened. Lou is talking to Lottie and sitting in his bunk while I'm just sitting here really bored since my phone needs to be charged.

"Yeah, her name is Rysnna."

"Yes, that's her real name," Louis laughed.

"Yeah, she's the one that was in our Twitcams. Yes, the one who pranks us."

"Er, you can't really talk to her right now...She's sleeping I guess you could say." Lou replied, glancing over at the still sleeping Rysnna.

"Okay, well I'll talk to you later. Tell the others I said hi." Lou hung up and sat up in his bunk, turning t face me. "What should we do now?"

"Well, I kind of want to watch some television, so why don't we carry her into the living area?" I suggested, standing up to stretch.

"I guess that we could do that," he replied, walking over to Rysnna's bunk and scooping her up into his arms. She didn't even flinch or move!

"Weird, she always hate when someone carries her," Louis mumbled, walking into the living area.

"What are you two doing?" Liam asked as we entered the living area to find him cleaning with Harry.

"We wanted to watch some TV so we decided to take her with us. Also she will probably be uncomfortable if she sleeps in the same position for almost twenty hours," I reasoned, plopping down on the couch next to Louis who laid her down by us.

"Whatever, but try to keep this place clean since Harry and I just cleaned up. That includes the kitchen, too! Zayn just finished up in there. I think that he's going to take a shower now," Liam informed us as sat down on the other couch as spread out, leaving no room for Harry to sit down.

"Not again!" Harry whined before coming over to our couch and lifting Rysnna up from her spot before sitting down next to Lou and laying her back down on top of us.

"Eh, it works," I shrugged, turning the TV on with the remote. I soon realized that there wasn't anything good on, so I sighed in defeat and turned it off.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked Liam who looked at me over the top of the newspaper with his eyebrows raised.

"I don't think that dragging Rys around unconscious would be a very good idea. You four can go out and do something, but I'll stay back and watch her," Liam replied looking back down at his newspaper.

"No, we'll stay!" I said hastily and the others nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, what time is our concert at?" Harry asked Liam.

"It's at 7:30, but we have to get there at like six," he informed us. I groaned. Six more hours of boredom!

"I wish Rysnna was awake! She would have a game for us to play or something like that," Harry complained as Zayn walked into the room and sat down on the floor in front of Harry and Rysnna's head.

"She's still asleep?" he asked, looking up at Harry.

"Yup. She didn't even move when Lou carried her in here," he replied.

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