Chapter 79

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Hey! I actually wrote a second chapter! I am so tried, though... Well, I hope that you like this chapter :D It's filler, but this story ahs a lot of it! It's a more relaxed story, but problems will soon com in :D


Rysnna's POV

"So, what should we get?" Niall asked me as we pushed the cart through the produce section.

"Food?" I suggested, stepping over a banana that had been dropped onto the ground and smashed. How appetising...

"No! I wouldn't have guessed!" Niall exclaimed sarcastically. "What kind of food?"

"How about the edible kind? I heard that it tastes pretty good..." I replied innocently.

"Really? I am not too fond of it," he said, rolling his eyes before stopping the cart by the carrots and celery.

"Okay, well we should definitely get some bread, cheese, lunch meat, milk, eggs, butter, bacon, Nutella, peanut butter, Ramans, and maybe a few vegetables," I listed off the foods and he was typing them all into his phone.

"Sounds good! We'll pick up snacks and other stuff as we go along," he replied, handing me some bags for carrots and celery.

"You should go get some fruit," I suggested and he nodded, grabbing a few more bags.

"What kind? And yes, I want to get the edible kind!" Niall laughed.

"Get some apples, bananas, and grapes, I guess," I told him, shaking my head. I turned back around and stuffed some carrots and celery into bags before pushing the cart over to Niall who was inspecting each apple carefully.

"God Niall! They are fine! They don't have to be perfect. Just hand me some and I'll put them in the bag," I laughed, taking the bag from him.

"Hey1 I like to eat only the best of apples, thank you very much!" he argued, but started to hand me apples.

"Okay, we just need one more and then we're good," I said as the bag started to stretch. I didn't bother to look over at Niall as he handed me the apple, which probably isn't the best idea. Something mushy and sticky was placed into my hands, seeping all over my fingers.

"What!? Niall!" I growled, turning to face and innocent-looking Niall. I threw the spoilt apple into the trashcan by the apple bin and glared over at him.

"Well, you said that they didn't have to be perfect," he grinned. Really now... I looked around for something to wipe my hands off on but, couldn't find anything and I wasn't about to wipe my hand on my own clothes.

"Jerk!" I muttered, quickly wiping my hand in the sleeve of his jumper. He jumped away from me in disgust and I chuckled. It teaches him not to mess with me again...

"Rysnna!" he whined, but I just ignored him as I walked over to the banana stand.

"We're even now, okay?" he grumbled, following me. I nodded, getting some bananas and grapes before throwing them into the cart.

"Okay, now go get the lunchmeat and cheese while I go get eggs, butter, milk, and bread," I commanded and he nodded before setting off to complete his task.

I walked through the store with the cart, grabbing the necessary foods and making sure to get some junk foods and "crisps" as Niall would say. They are still chips to me...

"Rysnna! I'm baaaack!" Niall sang, throwing some lunchmeats and cheeses into the cart along with a few sweets.

"Good! Now, do you have flour and sugar on the bus?" I asked, standing in front of the baking supplies.

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