Chapter 74

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Hello readers! This is your lucky day because this chapter is over 200 words longer than the others! I hope that you enjoy it :D Please don't forget to read my other fanfic, too!


Rysnna's POV

“Hi, love!” Louis exclaimed brightly, which I ignored as I turned to Harry, who was on the other side of Liam at the edge of the couch. Since he made a deal, he is going to be the one to help me out of this.

"Harry, tell Liam to let me go before I hurt him," I growled, glaring up at Liam who was now smirking along with the others.

“Actually Liam, you need to let her go backstage right now; Paul just texted me that he needs her as soon as possible," Harry explained, trying his best not to smile since he was lying. Let's hope that no one sees through his lie...

"What? Why does he need her right now?" Liam complained, loosening his grip on my wrists. The crowd booed and I jumped up, running back stage after giving Harry a grateful grin. Safe for now! I still hate being in front of the crowd and I have a feeling that that isn’t going to change. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and smiled at Paul as I joined him in watching the lads.

"We'll just have to bring her back out at the end of the concert, I guess," Louis announced to the crowd and I face palmed. Great...

"Why don't you just go hide until the end of the concert?" Paul suggested, laughing at me. Wait, that's not such a bad idea...

"Why haven't I thought of that? Great idea! Thanks a lot Paul. I'll see you in a while," I replied, dashing down one of the halls, looking for the perfect hiding spot. Let's see... Their dressing room? Nope. The bathrooms? Nope. A janitor's closet? I guess that that could work.

I pulled the door open and stepped into the small closet filled with towels, mops, buckets, and cleaners that were on shelves and racks. I turned the light off and sat down on top of a bucket, leaning against a shelf of towels. Eh, this isn't too bad.

I bit my lip as I decided whether or not to call my brother. It might bring back too many sad memories, but I miss him so much and haven't talked to him in a really long time. Plus, he is always pretty busy. I quickly typed his number and called him before I could change my mind.

"Hello?" he answered on the first ring. I grinned and sat up straighter.

"George?" I asked excitedly. I actually get to talk to my brother!

"Yes? Who is this?" he answered and I frowned. He doesn't know that it's me calling?

"It's your favourite sister!" I exclaimed.

"Rysnna? Oh, so you've finally decided to call me. Surprise, surprise! Did you only call me because that boy band you've been running around with has ditched you?" he replied sarcastically before he hung up.

My jaw dropped in surprise and I quickly tried to call him back, but he wouldn't answer. What was that about? I even tried to text him.

To: George

From Rysnna:

George!? What's wrong? I didn't mean to make you mad! Please answer me. Love you forever.

After about fifteen texts, I realized that he wasn't going to answer me. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. My own brother hates me now for no reason at all!

After about forty-five minutes, I could hear the boys running down the hall to their dressing room, laughing and joking around. I scooted farther into the corner, trying to wipe the tears off of my face.

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