Chapter 53

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WARNING: This is a VERY VERY emotional/confusing/shocking/jaw-dropping chapter. BE PREPARED! Anyways thanks for everything and I hope that you like it!

Mentions: (thanks loves)





Rysnna's POV

"Rysnna! Get off the bus now and never come back into our lives again!" Louis shouted at me furiously in the living area. Tears filled my vision and I looked at the ground. I've never felt this ashamed in my entire life. The other lads looked at me with the same anger in their eyes.

"I didn't mean to Lou! I'm so sorry lads. Please forgive me!" I begged them, hoping that they would accept my apology.

"How can we?! You make us look bad! We don't want some pathetic girl following us around all summer. You can't just hack into someone's Twitter account and say stuff like that! This is your entire fault," Zayn yelled at me, his face red as he stormed out of the room. I choked back a sob as one of my best friends left the room.

"He's right Rysnna. It would be for the best if you just left before you do anymore damage," Liam scowled at me. I always ruin everything! I can't even have friends for a week! I should have seen this coming...

"Harry! Please don't leave me! I'll do anything to stay with you guys," I pleaded with him, but he just turned his head away from me and completely ignored me. The tears streamed down my face and I looked towards Niall, hoping that he would forgive me.

"Don't even try, Rysnna! You're worthless. Why would we even want to be friends with you?" Niall snapped from his seat next to Zayn and Harry on the couch. They both agreed with him, nodding their heads. It felt as though the world stopped that moment and my heart shattered. They were right.

I stood in front of the couches, unmoving, still in shock as to what just happened. This would have ended up happening even if I didn't steal Lou's phone and tweeted that he was proposing to Harry. It would have even happened if I hadn't tweeted from Zayn's account that he likes to get his nails done with Liam. Even if I hadn't tweeted that Niall isn't single, but dating a girl name Leaf, this would have still happened.

"Here's your bags. Take them and leave. We never want to see your ugly face again," Zayn hissed as he threw my bags out of the bus, into a rain puddle outside. I quickly wiped the tears from my face and started towards the door. I could see that nothing that I say is going to change their minds. I've ruined everything.

"Finally," Lou snarled as he pushed me closer to the door. I stumbled and fell down the stairs of the bus, into the puddle. The rest of the boys came to the door and laughed as they saw me stand up, covered in mud. The sky darkened for the second time today and it began to pour.

“Pathetic!” Zayn sneered as I looked back up at them. Why me!?

"Bye you filthy piece of scum! Have a nice life!" Liam shouted through the rain and Harry slammed the door, never looking back at me. I sat in that puddle, sobbing into my arms for over an hour. I couldn’t bring myself to stand up and leave. I had a sliver of hope left and I wasn’t going to give up. Suddenly, the door burst open. I looked up, hoping that they changed their minds only to find the angry faces of One Direction.

"I thought we told you to leave!" Niall shouted at me, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"You know what? Let's just leave this place now. We don't want to attract anymore scum," Louis spat out and he shut the door as the bus started up. My eyes widened and my sobs became louder. They can’t leave me!

"Don't leave me! I'm so sorry!" I cried out through the rain as the bus drove away.

"ZAYN!" The bus was halfway across the parking lot now.

"NIALL!" I staggered to my feet, feeling dizzy, but quickly stumbled towards the bus.

"LOUIS!" The bus was about to turn onto the main road now.

"HARRY!" The bus turned away and was soon out of sight. I fell to the ground in despair, not caring that I was soaked to the bone as the rain came down in sheets from the night sky.

"LIAM!" I sobbed as I lay on the ground, my face in my hands. This can't be happening...

"NO! NO! NOOOO!" I screamed as I looked up at the sky. A fork of lightning lit up the sky, thunder soon following. My hair blew around me as the wind picked up. I curled into a ball on the ground, giving up. My hope had just vanished and was never coming back. My heart is now damaged and I don’t think that I can move on after what just happened. They were my best friends before I went and ruined everything! The tears only came faster as I replayed the events in my head.

The images of them sneering at me, calling me pathetic, flashed through my mind, as though on a continuous replay. My sobs became louder and louder and my eyes became so swollen that I couldn't even see anything.

"RYSNNA!" I heard a voice scream and it felt as though someone were shaking me. I didn't react, I just lay on the ground, exhausted and not able to deal with anything.

"RYSNNA!" the shaking became fiercer. My head rolled to the side, but I couldn't see anything through my swollen eyes.

"RYSNNA!" the shout became louder and I felt as though a fog was being lifted...


(YES, I just really did do that.)

My eyes snapped open to meet six pairs of extremely concerned eyes.


Zayn's POV

I shot up out of my bed as I heard a shout from the other side of the room, "ZAYN!" I quickly recognized the voice as Rysnna's and sprinted over to her cot. There were tears all over her face as she was thrashing in her bed. She must be having a nightmare about us!

"NIALL! LOUIS! HARRY! LIAM!" she screamed out, not waking up. I gasped and quickly climbed up in her bunk, sitting on the edge of it. She kept kicking though, and I ended up being pushed onto the floor. I groaned as I slowly got up off of the ground.

"NO! NO! NOOOO!" she shrieked as her sobs became louder. Louis was startled awake and he ran over to Rysnna's bunk, quickly followed by Harry and Liam. Niall soon fell out of his bunk, joining us as he heard Rysnna's screams and sobs.

"What's going on!?" Lou asked as he quickly climbed up into her bed. Harry and Niall were still half asleep, groggily rubbing their eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"She's having a nightmare! Wake her up Lou!" I exclaimed and I hopped up beside him.

"RYSNNA!" he shouted in her face, but she kept sobbing, her face one of despair. What is she dreaming about?!

"RYSNNA!" I yelled and I reached over to shake her awake, but her eyes refused to open.

"RYSNNA!" Louis cried out and he shook her shoulders with force. Liam was behind us, trying to climb into the bunk, but failed due to lack of space. He sighed and silently stepped back next to Harry and Niall, ready to help when needed.

All of a sudden, her eyes shot open in shock and I could see extreme fear and despair in them. Her lip quivered and she began to sob even more as she realized that Louis and I were here. What is happening!? (Or shall I say 'Vas Happen'?)


Okay, this may be the best chapter everrrrrr! Sorry if I scared you in the beginning... Hahaha! I hope that you liked this chapter! Comment and give me feedback please!

~T.Rysnna 1.20.13

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