Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm really excited right now because this is my first fanficic I have ever written! It might not be the best, but even I enjoy reading it. It is completely fictional also. The main character is made up and so are a lot of other elements.This will be rated PG or a very mild PG-13. I should update about once a week, if I get feedback from you guys. I know no one reads Author's Notes,so here you go ;P



Rysnna's POV

Finally! I have freedom! I raced out of the high school parking lot on my last day of school, excitment bubbling up inside of me. I have been waiting for this day for years now.

I don't know what I want to do with my life right now, so I'm just going to take the money that I have saved up from my childhood and jobs and wander around the world for a while. Who knows, maybe something life-changing will happen?

I could go to college because I'm actually very smart, but the only thing that really holds my interest is learning more and music. I love to sing even if I'm horrible at it, though. It is the one thing that can make me smile even on the worst of days.

As I drove down the street to the house I live in with my brother, George, and mom, I let my thoughts wander. I never see much of my mom because she constantly works and my brother is currently at college. They pretty much are off doing their own things, while I'm left alone. My brother and I used to be really close, but eventually drifted apart, which makes me kind of sad. He always stuck up for me and comforted me until he was sent to some fancy boarding school for high school.

When I got to my house, I jumped out of the car and ran inside for what might be the last time. I really am going to miss it, even though it is a bit small. I pack my two bags with clothes and other necessities before leaving a note on the kitchen counter. They won't freak out when they find out because we don't see much of each other and they know I'm 18 already, so they can't stop me. Hopefully I can still keep contact with them though.

I grabbed my iPod Nano and its charger and headed out the door to my car. It used to be my brothers, but he gave it to me after he got a really good paying job on campus. After I put my two bags in the back seat, I plugged my iPod in and started driving down my street. Where to go...

I realised that my first act of freedom will be going to the break wall, which is my favourite place except for one other. I live in a small suburb near Cleveland, so the lake is very close to my house. I love rolling my windows down and watching the sun set over the lake in the summer; I find it very relaxing, especially after a hard day at school when I get bullied.

After I reached my destination, I saw that there wasn't anyone in the parking lot except for an empty- looking limo that was parked in the far corner. I sighed and breathed in the scent of the warm lake. Some may find it disgusting, but I find it extremely comforting. I felt so calm and happy now that I was free.

I turned on my stereo and changed the song to Adam Lambert's cover of "Feeling Good". I love this song so much that I sing it all of the time. I looked out onto the lake and started singing quietly ,"Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know? Butterflies are having fun you know what I mean. Sleep in peace when the day is done in this old world there's a new world and a bold world for me yeahhhh"

After I finished the song, I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes up. I feel so much better now that I've sung one of my favorite songs. I grinned, but hesitated for a second. Something felt a bit off...

I glanced to my left and saw a boy about my age with messy brown hair and bright blue eyes standing there listening to me with a smile on his face. What!? The nerve of people!

The smile dropped off my face and I started my car up quickly. I knew that something was wrong. I should have checked the place better! I need to get away from him. "Wait! Don't leave! You were amazing. I just want to talk to you!" he pleaded, quickly sweeping his hair out from in front of his eyes.

I can't believe he was listening to me! I already know that I'm a terrible singer and I never let anyone listen to me. I can't believe that he lied, too!

I rolled my eyes angrily as I rolled my window up and drove as fast as I could out of there. As I drove down the winding road, I became very hungry, so I decided to stop at an ice cream shop about a half of a mile away from here. I don't care if it's not very healthy; I'm already in a bad enough mood.

As I pulled up to the hut place, I saw four boys cross the main road, walking towards my beloved ice cream shop. Oh no they don't! I quickly got into line before them because I wasn't about to wait any longer for my ice cream. They stepped into line behind me and.....


Thanks for reading! Please give me some feedback! I'll try to update tomorrow or later tonight 11.30.12 ~Rysnna

PS Whoever reads this, comment "carrots" and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you :)

Author's Note from 1.26.13- Thanks for trying this! If you think that it is too fast, please keep reading because the chapters do get slower after a while :D

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