Chapter 45

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Hey everyone! I'm back and ready to update loads over the weekend! I want to wish @hamdyrocks a happy belated birthday!


@hant1999 (who has bugged me a lot)




Rysnna's POV

"I know. I'm texting Paul to pick us up right now. We can finish our yogurt in the car," he replied as he pulled his phone out. Paul pulled up next to us about five minutes later and we climbed into the car. I laughed at Lou as I realized he had yogurt all over himself. He is such a kid! As I got in, I realized that we weren't the only ones that are going to sit in the back seat...

My eyes widened when I saw Harry sitting by the window with a grin on his face. I sighed in relief and sat by him. He grinned and wrapped his arm around me. Thanks God that it was only Harry!

"Don't worry. I'm the only one here and the last time I've checked, I'm not Liam, so..." Harry chuckled as Louis slid into the seat on my right. Louis laughed and high fived Harry.

"I see that you escaped! How, my young one?” Louis asked and Harry pouted and crossed his arms from beside me.

"I'm not that young! Anyways, after you two left, Liam flipped out. I was trying my hardest not to laugh and I called Paul to come and pick me up after a while. I silently snuck out while Liam continued to shout and ran through the paps to the van. Paul had just picked me up when you guys called, so he drove me here to you two," Harry explained with a grin on his face as he pulled his phone out. Wow, he is going to get yelled at...

"Haha! You really did that? He is going to kill you once he realizes that you're missing," I said as I looked over at Lou to find him trying to clean his face and hands, but failing to find napkins. I sighed and pulled some out of my pocket. I knew that I would need these...

"You're such a baby, Lou," I laughed and he scowled as I wiped the ice cream off of his face and handed him the rest of the napkins.

"Where did you guys go?" Harry asked while Louis wiped his hands off. I looked past his shoulder to see that we were still parked on the street. Why are we still here?

"This yogurt place that Americans call "Menchies". It was really good. Hopefully they have these in other states, so all of us can go," Louis replied as he threw the dirty napkins into a plastic bag on the ground.

"Frozen yogurt? Isn't that stuff disgusting and healthy?" Harry scrunched his nose up and gagged. How mature...

"Dude, it's amazing! It's so fun, too. But, if you don't like it, I guess there's more for us..." I added and Louis agreed.

"Fine! I guess that I'll go get some then," Harry replied stubbornly as he hopped out of the car and walked into the shop. Louis went to get out of the car, but I grabbed his wrist before he could even open the door up.

"Wait, let's see what he does. He probably won't know what to do anyways," I exclaimed and Lou grinned as he sat back in his seat. We peered out the window as we watched Haz try to figure out what to do while the cashier fangirled. She whipped her phone out to probably text her friends as Harry finally figured out what to do. Louis and I chuckled as he accidently squirted all of the yogurt onto his shirt. As he moved onto the topping station, he couldn’t figure out how to get the containers to open, so he just gave up and moved on to the syrups. He walked across the store with a frown on his face. This is too funny!

“You are too evil!” Louis chuckled as we watched Harry’s adventure.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to leave now. Niall snuck out and is being chased somewhere around here," Paul called back to us as he started the car up and sped off down the road. Harry looked up from the store window as he went to pay and panicked when he saw the car start. He threw some cash on the counter and ran out of the store, his curls all over the place.

"Oh, I forgot about Harry!" Paul exclaimed as he stopped the car about halfway down the road. Lou and I were in hysterics as Harry ran down the street, trying to remain unnoticed. As he got closer to us, some teenagers recognized him and started to chase him. He started to scream and as he finally reached the car, he threw the door open and fell onto my lap, yogurt sill in hand.

I clutched my side as the tears streamed down my face. His face was priceless! Lou was slapping his knee next to me and couldn't catch his breath as Harry glared at us, panting. Paul was speeding down the road, trying to search for the blonde leprechaun.

"Not.funny!" Harry gasped as he just lay limp on top of me. I tried to push him off.

"Get off of me! You're sweaty!" I replied and he stuck his tongue out as he sat upright.

"Haz...That was epic!" Louis laughed as he slowly calmed down," I even got it on video!"

Harry gasped as Louis showed him the phone he was holding. He is such a girl!

"Delete it! NOW!" Harry yelled as he lunged across me, trying to attack Louis. I grabbed the yogurt from his hand and set it down in the front seat. I saw Paul roll his eyes in the mirror as he searched the streets for Niall. God, I hope he isn't hurt!

"Guys, settle down! We need to look for Niall," I commanded as I grabbed one of Harry's curls and pulled him back to his seat. He whimpered and cowered away from me, stroking his hair. Wimp.

We searched around as Paul drove down the streets, but found no sign of Niall. Harry pulled his phone out and called him after ten minutes of searching for him.

"Hey,Niall? Where are you?" Harry asked and he laughed as he heard his response, “Okay, we’ll be there in a second."

"Well, where is he?" Louis asked Harry as he shoved his phone into his pocket and turned to look out the window.

"Oh, yeah. He said that he is hiding in a vegetarian store. No one will ever look for him in there!" Harry chuckled and we started to search for the store. Luckily, it was on the next street and we pulled to the curb, waiting for Niall to come in.

All of a sudden, Niall came sprinting out of the store and yanked the car door open, throwing himself onto my lap. Harry closed the door behind him and we all looked at Niall curiously. His blue eyes shone with fear as he hugged his knees to his chest.

"There wasn't any real food. No. Meat. No. Crisps. There was tofu!" he whispered, terrified as I put my arms around him and laughed. Only Niall would be scared of a vegetarian store...

"We should have Zayn take a picture of Liam's face when he realizes that we all snuck out!" I exclaimed as I scooted over so Niall had a space to sit. The lads laughed and Lou told Paul to drive us back to the bakery. Hopefully the cake is done now because I have a feeling that we are going to need it...


Hope that you liked this chapter! There will be more this weekend! Thanks for reading and commenting and voting! Comment anything funny!

~T.Rysnna 1.11.13 xxx

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