Chapter 41

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Rysnna's POV

Harry quickly fell asleep beside, but was restless and tossed and turned. I looked across the room and found that Niall had woken up due to the noises h heard. He looked over at us and quickly became confused. His were tied, but he slowly sat up and hopped over Liam's sleeping body. He quietly walked over to me and was sure to not step on Harry.

"Are you alright?" he whispered as he tried to get the rope off of his wrists. His hair was sticking up and his bright blue eyes were full of sleep.

"Yeah, are you?" I relied as I struggled against the restraints. How does Zayn know how to tie knots so well? It's kind of creepy if you ask me...

"I guess. I mean, I am used to waking up through the night to get snack, so I'm a bit hungry," he responded as he struggled with the rope around his hands.

"What are you doing?" I laughed quietly and glanced at the clock that was across the room. 5 o'clock already?

"Trying to get these off so I can get you off of that chair, duh!" he exclaimed and he finally undid the knot and the rope slipped off of his wrists. His wrists were a bright pink, so he rubbed them hastily before he pushed my chair out so he could get behind me.

"Thanks, Nialler," I whispered as the ropes started to get looser. Finally, I can take deep breaths! I sighed as he moved to the binds on my feet.

"No problem. Wait, I have an idea..."Niall said and his baby blue eyes gleamed in excitement. Oh boy1 Look where that got us last time!

"What is it Niall?" I asked as he pulled all of the ropes off of me. Freedom! I jumped up started to stretch.

"How about we go out or the morning and get some breakfast? We can even go shopping at a mall!" he suggested excitedly. Well, it would get me away from these crazy lads who tied me to a chair...

"Alright, but when do we have to get back to the bus?" I asked, knowing that Liam will be freaking out. I don't want to cause too much trouble.

"About three. That gives us plenty of time to shop and eat!" he whispered happily. Where does he get this much energy in the morning?

"I'm going to go get ready, okay?"I asked as I walked over to the bunk area. I didn't wait for an answer because I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I grabbed some clothes and quietly went into the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and slid on some new shorts and a shirt, I met Niall in the living area.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Try not to make any noise," Niall told me as he went into the bathroom to get ready. I went into the bunk area and grabbed a hoodie from my bag and threw it on. I hope that the paps don't find us, but I think that we should be prepared.

I walked back to the front of the bus and Niall came out of the bathroom after about ten minutes. He a granola bar from the kitchen and we quietly unlocked the door of the bus. I motioned for him to act like a ninja and we slowly crept out of the bus with our back pressed to the side of it. He closed the door behind us and we kept walking sideways with our back pressed to the side of the bus until he tripped on a rock and fell on the ground. I stifled my laughter as I reached out and helped him up. He was trying his best not to laugh and his face was turning bright red.

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