Chapter 32

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Heyy! Thanks for all of the comments I know that most of you will skip this because of the cliffhanger in the last chapter, so here you go!


Rysnna's POV

I closed the door and slowly turned around to find him right behind me with his arms crossed. Oh crap...

"Hi Zayn! So wassup Bradford Bad Boi?" I asked while trying to act as those nothing was happening. Let's hope that this works!

His face split into a grin, “Not much,Rys! Just holding you hostage until you give me your number..."

It felt as those a weight was lifted from my shoulders. He didn't know that I was the pranker. I sighed in relief, “Why do you want my number so bad?"

"I was feeling lonely after dinner! You were texting Niall and Harry and Lou were playing FIFA while Liam was talking to Paul on the phone. I will not take no for an answer!" Zayn exclaimed as he sat down on the floor.

"Why did you have to act so serious in the bunk area? I was scared that I was in trouble. Don't do that again!" I hit him in the arm as I sat down beside him.

"It was hilarious, though! It also got your attention! You should have seen your face," Zayn exclaimed as he held out his hand, waiting for my phone. I handed it to him and took his, so we could swap numbers.

"You better not abuse this privilege Mr. Malik!" I said in a posh accent. He laughed as he gave me my phone back.

"Oh, I almost forgot to give you something! Here you go!" Zayn said in realization as he took a small package out from a drawer in the vanity.

"Oh, so you guys keep presents, food, and word searches in a tour bus bathroom. How normal!" I laughed as he handed me the package.

"You should know by now that I hate when people give me stuff!" I exclaimed as I put the package back in his hands.

"Rysnna, you are accepting this whether you like it or not!" Zayn argued and pushed the small box back into my hands. I didn't see any way out of this, so I carefully opened the box and a phone case slid out of it and landed on top of my lap

"Aw, thanks Zayn! This is awesome. But just to warn you, never buy me anything again!" I warned as I put the new case on my phone.

"Did you see the back?" he asked excitedly while motioning for me to flip the case over. I turned my phone over and examined the back. There was a white background with a picture of all of the boys in dress clothes.

"We found it at the phone store and knew that that was the case for you. Now you'll never forget what we look like!" Zayn explained and I leaned over to hug him.

"Thanks. You really shouldn't have done that," I said into his shoulder.

"You deserve it! Anyways, we have about an hour before we have to leave. Let's get out of this bathroom!" Zayn replied and helped me to my feet. As we exited the bathroom, I found that all of the boys were asleep in their beds. So this is what they do before concerts...

"You going to take a nap?" I asked Zayn as we walked into the living area. I flopped down on the couch and spread out. Zayn took seat on the couch next to me.

"Nope. I'm not very tired and I don't want to get pranked by one of them," he replied as he turned the TV on. I turned my phone on and started to research facts about them. For the next half hour, the bus was silent as I found out a lot of interesting things about the boys I 'm touring with. I knew most of them from the stories they've told me, but some of them were unfamiliar.

"We should probably wake them up now," Zayn suggested as he stood up. I followed him into the bunk area and decided that my first victim will be Lou. I ran over to his bed. I stepped on Harry's bed and hoisted myself up onto Lou's. "Wake up!" I whispered quietly. He groaned and put his head under a pillow. Well, I guess that I will have some fun...

I took a feather from his pillow and started to drag in along the skin on his arm. "Ahh! Baby spiders!" I cried and I jumped down from his bed. He started to spaz out and scream. He frantically scratched at the skin on his arms and ended up falling form his bed to the ground.

"Just to let you know, there wasn't any spiders..." I told him as and he glared at me from the floor.

"You better watch out Rysnna!" he growled as he stormed off to the bathroom. Someone is cranky when they wake up...

Zayn had gotten Liam and Niall up, so I moved on to Harry. "Harry! There's a dead cat outside our bus!" I whimpered and his eyes shot open. Let’s see if these rumors are real. He jumped out of the bed and dragged me through the living area and out of the bus.

"Where!?" he asked frantically while running around the bus searching for a cat.

"Uhh, there really isn't a cat Harry," I told him as he got under the ground and searched for the cat under the bus.

"What!? That was mean!" Harry exclaimed as he got up and walked over to me.

"How do you know that I like cats anyways?" he asked me.

"I did some research while you guys were asleep. Sorry about that, I didn't think that you would be so upset," I explained while looking at the ground. I'm so mean...

"It's alright love! You're lucky that I'm not in a bad mood, or you would be getting yelled at...” Harry replied as we walked back onto the bus. All of the lads were in the living room waiting for us to join them.

"I see that you got Harry up," Liam said as I took the seat next to him.

"Yup. So when are we leaving again?" I asked while turning the news on.

"The bus is going to drive us there in about five minutes. Anyone who has to go to the bathroom, better do that now," Liam warned us. Zayn just got up and walked into the kitchen. What? I followed him and saw him scrubbing his hair. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed his shampoo and conditioner, figuring that he would end up needing them.

I returned and put them and put them on the counter by the sink.

"Thanks Rysnna!" Zayn exclaimed as I walked back into the living area. I kind of felt bad for him. I really hope that the dye will come completely out tonight.

"Here is your backstage pass, Rysnna!" Niall shouted as he threw it at me.

"Thanks Nialler," I replied as I put it around my neck. This concert is going to be awesome! All of the boys till had my drawings on them and had to wear short sleeved shirts due to the heat. The fans are going to go crazy when they see the names on their arms.

After about 10minutes, the bus started to drive us to the arena and Zayn had come back with his hair back to his natural color. He had even had the time to style it into his signature quiff. We were all pretty quiet as we watched the TV, but I could tell that Lou was not particularly happy with me. He'll get over it...

"Rysnna, try to stay by one of us, okay? These fans can get a little crazy!" Harry warned me as we pulled to a stop in front of the venue. Oh god...


Here ya go! There will probably be another update today, too! Thanks for the reads/comments1

~T.Rysnna 1.1.13 (<-------thta's going to take some getting used to..)

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