Chapter 51

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Yellowwwww! Is everyone ready for a second chapter!? Thanks for all the reads/votes/comments! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Rysnna's POV

Liam was watching me text Zayn and smiled approvingly. I hope that this will work so that I can talk to Liam for a while. I haven't really gotten to speak with him for a while. My phone buzzed a few seconds later with Zayn's response.

From: Vain Malik

To: Rysnna

Are you sure!? We can break that door down and get you out! Rysnna I will get everyone into the living room, but we can/will get you out of there if you just yell for us. Please be safe. xx

I rolled my eyes after I finished reading. Like they could break down the door! Liam and I waited for a second and we heard Zayn telling the others to get into the living room.

"Lads, we need to go into the living area," I heard Zayn tell the lads who had been surprisingly quiet.

"What!? Why? We need to make sure that she's alright," Louis argued.

"Lads, this is Liam we're talking about. She should be fine. Anyways, he will let her out sooner if we leave. She just texted me a second ago," Zayn replied and I heard scrambling from outside the door.

"Rysnna, are you okay!? We can get you out!" Lou yelled. Argh! Why can't they just leave! I didn't respond and Liam just sat there silently laughing at their distress.

"Lads, let's just wait in the living room. Rysnna will be fine and if she does need us, she can yell," Niall added and I heard his footsteps retreat.

"Come on, Lou," Zayn called and I heard both of them leave. Finally!!! I turned towards Liam who was silently cheering.

"Finally, we can actually talk!" I exclaimed as I put my phone in my pocket quickly. Liam grinned and did the same.

"Yup, but not too loudly," Liam replied as we sat next to each other against the wall. I nodded and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"I haven't talked to you in a while, how are you doing? Do you like it here so far?" Liam asked curiously. Yay! The nice, responsible Liam is back!

"Yeah, I love it here. I never got to thank you for everything. These last few days have been the best of my life," I said, sincere and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"No problem, love. It was worth it. Now we have a great friend that is coming non tour with us," he replied as he pulled away.

"And now I am touring with a band that never seems to have a dull moment," I teased and Liam chuckled. He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned his head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling.

"So what now?" he asked, bored. Hmmm... Maybe we could prank the lads even more! I don't want to use all of my good ideas up, though...

"How about we hold off on pranking them? Let's just all have a truce, what do you think?" I proposed as I stretched my legs out in front of me and yawned. God, it's only five o'clock and I’m already tired!

"I guess that would be nice. Now we won't have to sleep with our eyes open... Wait, why don't you and I spend a few more minutes in here. I really want to talk to you more," Liam suggested his deep brown eyes wide.

"That would be cool. We could get to know each other better now!" I exclaimed, excited to learn more about the life of a famous Brit.

"Sure! How about you just tell me about yourself for now, though?" he asked and sat up straighter. Ughh, I really don't want to tell him about my childhood... How about I just stick to interests!

"Uh...I love birds! I love to bake, read, garden, and study. I'm really boring, so... Yeah," I finished quietly and frowned. How did I even end up being friends with people like this? They deserve some one more famous and exciting.

"No, we want you as our friend! Don't think so badly of yourself!" Liam exclaimed as he lifted my chin up to look at him. Did I say that out loud...?

"Think of how much fun we've had because of you! Even if you did sneak out multiple times with the lads, I still love having you around and I know that the others couldn't bear it if you left," Liam continued, his eyes sparkling. God, he is the sweetest thing ever!

I reached over and hugged him, laying my head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Liam. You remind me of my brother so much," I mumbled into his shoulder and he rubbed my back.

"Where is your brother?" he inquired, confusion in his voice. I shouldn't have said that...

"Umm, he's at school," I replied shortly. I sighed and looked up at Liam's face to see that he was watching me too.

"Tell me about your childhood. I barely know anything about you, love," he said quietly. I sighed and looked down at my lap. I really don't want to tell him anything. He will just feel sorry for me.

"Not right now," I mumbled and I could sense him frowning. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I hoped that he wouldn't ask me anything.

"I'm not going to force it out of you, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll always be there for you," he declared and pulled me closer to him, hugging me. I smiled up at him, grateful.

"Thanks Liam. You're the best," I replied. I'm so glad that he didn’t' make me tell him. He is such a great friend/brother and I hope that he will always be like this.

"Why don't you tell me about your family and how you became famous?" I asked him and his eyes flashed with excitement at the thought of his family. How adorable!

"Well I have two older sisters, Nicola and Ruth, and a mom and dad. We are all very close and they support me and my career. I'm from Wolverhampton and I tried out for the X Factor twice..." Liam told me about his childhood n embarrassing moments, animated. I laughed as he told me about his fascination with turtles and listened intently to all of his stories. He is such a down-to-earth and humble person! I can't believe that he is famous.

"So you really flushed your sister's fish down the toilet when you were five?!" I exclaimed, while laughing. Liam shook his head, ashamed.

"I didn't know that it would die!" he argued he ate a handful of m&ms. We had raided Niall"s stash of sweets and were quite comfortable on the bathroom floor, chatting away. The more I learned about him, the better of a person he seems!

I laughed and snuggled deeper into his shoulder as let my eyes slowly close. Today was exhausting and I haven't gotten too much sleep lately. Something about Liam makes me feel safe, like nothing bad will ever happen to me...

"Goodnight Rysnna..." Liam whispered to me and I let sleep take me away.


Like it? It's not the best,but... Something big is going to happen in the next chapter!!!!! I'll update later or tomorrow! Comment who you think that she will end up with or your favorite part!

~T.Rysnna 1.19.13 xx

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