Chapter 59

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So many reads! Thanks so much for everything! I hope that you like this chapter even though it is a filler and a bit short... Please get your friends/fans to try story :) Here ya go:


Rysnna's POV

The memories flooded back and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to push them away.

*Flashback from Grade 8*

I was quietly eating my small lunch at the back table in the cafeteria as I quickly finished my maths that was due the next day. I stuffed the finished paper into my bag and looked up, sighing in relief when I saw that McKenna was on the other side of the cafeteria.

Yesterday she had stolen my homework for herself and I spent hours at home trying to redo it. The best part was that I had done my first copy wrong and she will get a bad grade on it. I smirked to myself as I finished my sandwich and pulled my new book out.

Our teacher had assigned us Chapters 1 and 2 in To Kill a Mockingbird but it was so good, that I kept reading past that point. I had just gotten to Part 2 when I realized that there was an eerie silence that had washed over the room. Great...

I slowly looked up and met McKenna's murky hazel eyes watching me in disgust. She flipped her platinum blonde hair off her shoulder as she put her thin, bony hand on her waist.

"SO, you thought that it was a good idea to give me homework that was completely wrong?" she spat out, smacking her wad of gum obnoxiously in her mouth. I mentally laughed. She was the one that took the homework that I thought that was correct...

"Something funny?" she snarled and I realized that I had laughed out loud. The grin slipped off of my face and I looked down at the floor. If only my brother was here. Well, he would be in high school, so even if he was still living here, he couldn't help me out at school.

"No," I mumbled quietly, hoping that she wouldn't do anything too bad to me.

"Well, I need your maths now. It better be correct or else you will be sorry..." she warned as she held her hand out expectantly. I gaped at her in shock. That homework took me quite a bit of work! She raised her eyebrows and with a sudden burst of confidence, I hopped out of my seat and tried to run to the bathroom.

Too late. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I stumbled to the ground as she ripped a chunk of my hair out. I whimpered and looked up at her from the ground. She scoffed and threw the chunk down at me.

"Think of that as a favor, sweetie. Anyways, I'll just be taking this..." she smirked smugly as she stepped over me and grabbed my tattered bag. I gasped and reached up to grab it, but she snatched it away and kicked my side before dumping a bystander’s drink and dumping it on me. The back of my head was throbbing and the pain in my side was almost unbearable. Now I'm covered in pop with the whole grade watching me get bullied.

She threw back her head and laughed as she walked away carrying my bag. I stared at my bag as it disappeared in the crowd of laughing bystanders. All of my important things were in that bag! All of the homework for tomorrow, my wallet that held $5 that I have been saving for years, and even my books. Gone.

*End of Flashback*

Little did I know that that wasn't the worst that would happen. I cringed and pulled the covers up higher.

"Rys?" I heard Zayn ask as he entered the room. I froze and quickly shut my eyes, parting my mouth slightly to look as though I was asleep. His footsteps came closer and I could hear him stop beside my bunk.

"I know you're faking!" he said and he drew the blanket back, trying to catch me faking. I hope this works... He sighed in defeat when he saw me "sleeping" and walked out of the room. I waited for a minute and smirked as I opened my eyes and sat up a little. Ha! Rysnna is unbeatable!

"I told you that I knew you were faking..." a voice said from across the room. I jumped up and hit my head on the ceiling.

"Really!?" I exclaimed as I threw my pillow at Zayn who was leaning on the bathroom door, watching me. He smirked as he caught the pillow and walked over to my bunk, setting the pillow down beside me.

"Really. Now, let's go watch a movie with the lads!" he commanded as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to the ground. I groaned and tried to get back into my bed, but he kept a tight grip on my wrist.

"You are not getting out of this, Rys!" he argued and started to drag me to the living room. I dug my heels into the carpet and pulled with all of my might.

"Rysnna! Come on!" Zayn said, trying to grab my other hand, which was latched onto the post of a bunk. Ha! He is not going to win this one.

"Nope!" I replied, popping the "p". I finally got my wrist free and I quickly grabbed the post. Let's see him try to get me now!

"Arghh!" Zayn complained as he grabbed my waist and pulled, still unable to get me. I laughed at his desperate attempts.

"LOU!" Zayn called out and my eyes widened. I can't handle two of them!

Zayn saw my face and smirked, “Defeat!"

I scoffed, but held onto the post even tighter as Louis ran into the room. He laughed when he saw me and Zayn fighting.

"Love, just give up already before we hurt you on accident," he reasoned as he walked up to us. I rolled my eyes, but refused to let go. I really don't want to watch a movie right now. Knowing them, it will be a horror movie!

"Well, I guess that we will have to do this the hard way..." Lou replied as he joined Zayn and tried to pull me away from the bunks. I kicked them as I held on to the post, which slowed them down a bit.

"Arghh, this isn't working Zayn!" Louis complained as he tried to tickle me to make me surrender. I held my breath and refused to laugh or loosen my hold.

"Well, desperate times call for desperate measures... HAZ! NIALL! LEEYUM!!!" Zayn shouted and I groaned. This is not going to end well.

The rest of the lads raced into the room, quick to help. They laughed at the scene, but followed Zayn's instructions. They made a line and pulled each other back. My grip was loosening, but I refused to give up.

"PULL!" Niall shouted and they almost got me to let go of the post. Suddenly, an evil idea came to mind. This is going to be good...

"1! 2! 3! PULL!" Liam yelled and I let go of the post, sending all of us flying backwards. Liam groaned from under the weight of us all. He was the last in line, so he was being crushed by all of us, while I am on top of the pile.

"Rysnna," Zayn groaned along with all of the others. I quickly jumped up, trying to escape while they were all disabled.

"I don't think so,love!" Louis sang and I felt a pair of arms grab my waist. Oh, great!


Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote :D I'll see you all on Friday! :D

~T.Rysnna 2.3.13

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