Chapter 4

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Well, how do you like this so far? Things are about to get gooooood!

Dedicated to simplythere who has an phenomiNIALL story!


Liam's POV

I could tell that she was different the moment i met her. She is like a sister to me, even though we just met. I could see the misery and gloom in her eyes, so I wanted to make her happier by letting her tour with us. It doesn't look like she knows who we are, so we might have to explain it to her...

"Hey lads, I have a question for you," I said as I sat down at the table when Harry, Naill, and zayn were eating messily. They looked up at me as I continued, "Do you remember that girl that was in front of us in line?"

"Oh! The girl that you were just talking to a minute ago?" I heard Louis ask from behind me. I guess he caught up with us after all. He took at seat next to Harry and flicked a curl into his milkshake, causing Harry to dump the rest of it on Lou's head.

"Harry! Really? Was that necessary?" I exclaimed as Lou st there grinning mischievously. Something's up....

"Well, I found it very necessary, if I do say so myself! Anyways, please continue, LiLi."

"To answer your question, Lou, yes that was her. She wants to travel, but doesn't really now where to start. Id on't think that she has had the most relaxing life here, but she's very nice and down-to-earth. What do you think of her coming on tour with us? I'll bet she can cook or clean! She can be your Mommy Direction!"

"Liam, are you sure? You just met her and you act like your in love with her," Zayn commented with his eyebrows raised.

"Dude! I don't like her like that! She seems to be more like the sister I never had. Mine never really talks to me too much. Why don't you guys meet her first?"

"I guess lad, but you better make sure that she can cook because Niall looks like he is already fantasizing about her cooking." Harry laughed as his eyes drifted over to Niall who seemed to be off in his own world and eating his fifth ice cream cone.

"Okay! So when do we get to meet her?What's her name?" Zayn inquired, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"We have to meet her in two hours at the break wall. Her name is Rysnna ans she seems to be fun," I replied, looking over to Louis who has been too quiet for my likings.

"Louis, what are you planning?" I asked, scared of what was to come.

"What? ME? Planning revenge on Harry? Phht!" he exclaimed grinning at Hazza and shaking all of the milkshake from his hair onto all of us.

"Lou! Now all of us are messy! Nice going diploid," Niall yelled while Zayn was looking for his mirror so he could fix his hair.

"Where is it?! My hair is now a mess thanks to you, Louis William Tomlinson!" Zayn screeched, checking all of his pockets.

By now, we have attracted a lot of attention. Icould see groups of girls calling up others and running towards us. They blocked us from the limo, so we were trapped.

"Run!" I screamed and grabbed Niall and Louis. We took off down the main road and I could hear girls running after us. "Guys, this way!" Lou said as he ducked into a wooded area and climbed a tree quickly.

Nialll and I did the same and joined Louis on a sturdy branch. The girls hadn't seen us turn into the woods, so we were safe for a while. I noticed that Zayn and Harry were nowhere to be seen.

"Did you see where Zayn and Harry went?" I asked Lou and Niall who looked a bit startled.

"No, but why don't we wait here for a while and then head back to the limo?" Niall suggested.

"That sounds like a plan. I guess that we should just sit here for a while."


I decided that I like shorter Chapter better because i can make more of them and do them faster. Hope you don't mind!

Hasta Luego ~ T. Rysnna 12.1.12 <------ cool!

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