Chapter 20

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WOW! 20 chapters already! I want to thank all of you for reading and commenting! I hope that you enjoy this story an if you have any suggestions/feedback, please comment or inbox me. Thanks again :)



Rysnna's POV

I really really don't want to buy a phone right now! What happens when I run out of money? I can't really afford such a luxury that I don't even know how to use.

Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me into the shop with the others. Wow, they really do like to shop. They are the weirdest boys that I've ever met!

I looked around the small store as we entered it. All of the phones in the front were wayyy to expensive, so I ventured to the back while the others stayed in the front. That is not a good sign...

The phones in the back of the store were inexpensive and you had to buy prepaid cards for the minutes. They weren't too bad, so I guess this is my only option if they won't allow me to leave without a phone. I picked the ticket for a small black phone out of the holder just in case I need it and turned around.

"What are you doing back here, love?" Zayn asked as he wandered into the back of the phone shop. "Oh, did you find phone already? Let me see!" He grabbed the ticket from my hand and I saw him frown as he read the specs.

"Love, this phone isn't a good choice. Come here," he demanded as he pulled me to the front of the store. Really? Why can't we just leave...

"Here! What about this one?" he suggested as he handed me a ticket for an iPhone. It looked amazing, but it was ridiculously expensive. I can't afford this, but I don't want them to know or they will try to buys it for me. I absolutely HATE when people buy things for me.

"Umm... Why don't we do this another day? I'm a little tired," I reasoned with Zayn while looking around the store for the others. Hopefully we can leave now.

"Why? We need to get your phone ASAP!" he exclaimed.

"I think that I'll just get the one that I was looking at from before," I replied, seeing no way out of this situation. I turned to go to the cashier, but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"What's wrong Rysnna?" he asked while pleading with his big brown eyes. They already know too much about me and there is no reason that the past should be brought up. The reason for this trip was for no one to know my past or judge me! I just wanted to start over!

Zayn's POV

"What's wrong Rysnna?" I asked. What is making her act so odd? I miss the Rysnna from earlier. She looked up at me and I saw her mentally shut down and put her walls up. This is not a good sign.

"Rysnna! You can't hold everything in! You can trust me. I won't tell anyone unless you want me to," I pleaded and her mask wavered for a second. I pulled her into a hug and sighed, “You can always talk to me," I whispered into her ear.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" she stubbornly said as I pulled away. Her greyish blue eyes looked murky and gloomy. This is going to be difficult, but for some reason, I feel the need to help her as much as I can and I won't give up.

"Look, Rysnna, I know that something is wrong. I don't want to cause a scene, but we will be talking later!" I retorted as I let go of her thin wrist. I grabbed the ticket for the iPhone and quickly walked over to the cashier.

"Hello, I would like to purchase this phone. Could you please be quick?" I asked politely as I gave the old cashier the ticket. He walked to the back room and I heard Rysnna come up behind me, so I c motioned for Harry to come over.

"Harry," I began as he reached me, “I need you to take Rysnna to the car and keep her there, okay?" I saw Rysnna's eyes flash in anger as she heard what I said. She slowly started to back away.

"Don't you dare, Zayn!" she shouted angrily.

"What?" Harry asked, confused as he looked between me and Rysnna. I could tell that she is going to be difficult, so I need her out of the store.

"Just do it, and be quick!" I demanded. Rysnna started to run over to Liam, but Harry caught her and put a hand over her mouth as he pulled her out of the store. She started to thrash desperately, but couldn't get loose. I really hope that she will forgive me...

I don't get why she doesn't want a free phone, but I guess that I'll find out later. The old man walked back in with the phone and I completed the transaction while Louis, Niall, and Liam brought over a case they had found.

"Where are Harry and Rysnna?" Louis asked as he looked around the store. He just noticed?

"Uh, about that..." I replied, scratching the back of my head. I don't think that Liam is going to like this...

"What did you do!?" Liam demanded. Wow, he is really protective of her already!

"She was being difficult, so I had Harry take her out to the car..." I explained while their eyes widened.

"So, you basically had Harry drag her to the car because she didn't want a phone?" Louis asked, shocked. It wasn't that bad of an idea, was it?

"Yeah, I mean she does need a phone!" I reasoned with Liam.

"I know she does, but why did you have to force her? She better not be mad at the rest of us for what you did..." Liam retorted. Well, I guess that he wasn't too mad.

"Just don't do that again, okay?" Liam asked while paying for the phone case.

"Okay... Do you think that she'll like it?" I asked the lads. They all looked at me as if I were crazy.

"You treated her like a baby and did something she told you not to do. How do you think that she'll like it now?" Niall asked as we made our way out of the shop. Let's hope that I don’t get beat up by her now...


That was pretty long, wasn't it? I have sooo many good ideas for new chapters, so keep looking for updates, which should occur once or twice a day. PLEASE RECOMMEND THIS STORY! Thanks for reading/commenting! :D

~T. Rysnna 12.22.12 (should be posted by 12.23.12) IT'S ALMOST LOU'S BDAY!


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