Chapter 8

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Well, here's the next Chapter for the day. Enjoy my Friends! Vosotros sois muy simpaticas! Me gusta mucho el libro so far, what about you?



My eyes fluttered open when I heard a scream, "Louis, what happened to my mirror!?" Zayn shrieked like a girl. I looked at the back and saw that Harry was sleeping, while Zayn held up a mirror covered in seaweed. I had learned earlier that Zayn is obsessed with his hair and needs his mirror at all times, so I found this somewhat funny.

"Me? Why would I do such a thing?" Louis responded innocently.

"Lou, you never need a reason to prank, you just enjoy torturing people," Liam called back to him, while Zayn desperately tried to get his mirror cleaned.

"True. Don't worry, he was the only one I pranked."

"Hey Niall? Do you have a water bottle I could take a sip out of?" I asked knowing that Louis would prank more than one person when given the chance. If he was by the lake, then he must habe switched the water in the bottles.

"Sure love. Here you go," he replied and handed me a water bottle. I saw Lou's eyes glint mischievously. I took the ca off and slowly raised it to my lips while looking Louis in the eye. I quickly dumped the water on Louis and saw him jump in shock. The boys looked dumbfounded, too.

"Why did you do that?" Louis screeched, trying to dry himself with a towel from his bag.

"Louis, you will never be able to prank me successfully. I know that you put lake water in the bottles. I have an older brother that I've done that to. Watch your back, bro." I replied with a smirk on my face while Louis glared at me and tried to get dry.

"Woah boys! I think we have an even better prank master here! I call dibs," Zayn exclaimed finally getting his mirror omewhat clean.

"Ha! How much longer until we get to the bus Daddy D?" Niall asked Liam from underneath me.

"We have just arrived, Nialler. Niall, Lou ,and I need to take showers, so Harry and Zayn will show you around, Rysnna."

As the car stopped, everyone hopped out of it and stretched. I looked around the parking lot and saw a large tour bus hiding in a corner. All of the boys ran past me and Louis yelled back,"You get to wake Harry up now!" as he stuck his tongue out at me.

Well, how hard can it be? I climbed into the back and shook Harry. He wouldn't wake up, so I tried shouting in his ear. That still didn't work, so I tried jumping onto him. I ended up falling on the ground and screamed.

Harry shot up,  suddenly awake, and exclaimed, "Rysnna, are you okay!?" as he pulled me to the seat next to him. He got worried when he saw that my hand was bleeding.

"Harry, its okay. I just fell and cut myself on a pen on the ground. It's nothing. Let's head back to the bus now." I said, and grabbed my bags. We started to walk to the bus in quiet. I wonder what the inside looks like? Hopefully, I won't have a bunk near Louis....


Hi guys! Here is the last update for the weekend. Remember that I will be gone until Friday, but keep checking up on the story please! Thanks so much for reading!

~~~~~T. Rysnna 12.2.12 I will be back.

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