Chapter 50

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This is the 50th chapter!!! Are you guys excited? I will be updating all weekend and even on Monday! I even have a whole page of ideas that I have jotted down over the past few weeks.Now, are you ready for the interogattion to continue?


Rysnna's POV

Zayn and I quickly grabbed some make up brushes and blush. Good thing that the Sharpie has faded! Liam squirmed in his chair and strained to move away from the brushes.

"Stay still, Liam!" Louis complained as he tried to manage his phone with the Twitcam. I grabbed Liam's chin and held it in place.

"We can do this the hard way, the medium-easy extremely hard way or the semi-easy medium hard way. Your choice," I said as Zayn brushed some dark fuchsia blush onto Liam's cheeks. Liam glared at me.

"Rysnna, I will spare you if you get me off of this chair. I promise," Liam quickly whispered to me as I reached by his arm to grab a second shade of blush. I scoffed. Yeah,right!

"You're lying," I replied and quickly brushed the makeup on his cheeks. Zayn silently left the room to go get some tissues. I set the brush down on the table beside us and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Care to tell us what you two are whispering about?" Harry asked from his perch on the couch next to Niall and Louis who also looked curious. Oh, yeah I forgot that they were still here.

"Well Liam here is trying to make a deal, but it's not working," I replied as I grabbed the eye shadow. The lads chuckled and Liam scowled at me, not trying to get free now. Wow, he's not even struggling. I never thought that he would quit this easily.

"I'm going to see where Zayn is. He better come back to help you," Lou said as he handed Harry the phone. I bet those fans are either laughing hysterically or extremely mad for what's happening. YOLO!

"Rysnna, you're going to regret this..." Liam threatened me as I turned my back to get some eye shadow. More empty threats...

"Liam, just relax. We aren't even using spoons to scare you!" Harry argued from his spot on the couch. Niall wasn't there and I bet that he went to go get some food. I laughed at Harry's idea, remembering that I had a spoon in my pocket. Should I use it? Nah, it will come in handy some other time.

Before I could even turn around to face Liam, I was thrown over someone's shoulder. I quickly looked to the side and saw that Liam had undone the ropes and was now running somewhere, taking me with him. Harry's head snapped up and he threw the camera on the couch, jumping up to chase Liam.

"HELP ME HARRY! PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I screamed as Liam ran through the bunk area, past most of the lads and into the bathroom. Liam slammed the door shut and gently set me down on the ground. I dived for the door, but he grabbed my waist and threw his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream for help.

"Rysnna! Are you okay!?" Harry called from the other side of the door as he tried to open it. I struggled against Liam's grip, but he was wayyy too strong.

"What's happening?!" I heard Lou say from the other side of the door. Gee, Lou, are you that dumb? It's not like our hostage just escaped and kidnapped me...

"Rysnna!? Liam let her out!" Zayn yelled as he pounded on the door. I swear that this door is going to break by the end of tour.

"Let's make a little deal..." Liam called out as he dragged me to the other side of the bathroom and set me down on the floor, sitting next to me. Of course...

"What do you want?" Harry asked, exasperated. Liam quickly leaned over and whispered in my ear, “How about we join forces? This could be pretty funny...”

I grinned, “As long as you don't lie to me. Truce?" I stuck my hand out and he shook it. This is going to be so funny! There are so many things that Liam and I can do if the lads think that I'm on their side. I love playing tricks on all of them, but Liam better not turn on me…

"I don't know yet... I guess that I should keep Rysnna with me, though," Liam replied while stroking his imaginary evil beard. Oh Liam...

"Come on Li, give us our leader back!" Niall yelled. "I need a sandwich!” Really!? I glared at the door and Liam silently chuckled at me.

"I'll think about it... How about you all leave us alone for thirty minutes while I ponder my options?" Liam suggested in a posh accent.

"LET HER OUT!" Louis and Zayn screamed at the same time. Liam and I winced at the volume of their voices. Man, can they scream!

"Here's how things are going to go. You lads are going to leave and not come back or else I will keep your leader for even longer. Understood?" Liam commanded and I buried my face into my hands, trying to muffle my laughter. He can play the villain so well!

Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulders and motioned for me to be quiet. I heard Harry sigh, “Fine, but you will be letting her out in thirty minutes or else..." And with that, I heard him leave.

"Rysnna, don't worry, I'll get you out of there," Niall called out and I could hear him sit outside the door.  Let me guess; to make him a sandwich.

"So will Zayn and I," Louis added and I heard them both sit down, too. Great, now Liam and I can't talk! Liam sighed from next to me and pulled his phone out.

From: Daddy D


I guess that we will just have to text our plan...

I sighed as I received his text.

From: Rysnna

To: Daddy D

Hold on... I might have a plan.

From: Daddy D

To: Rysnna

Thanks you, my evil genius friend! I really want to talk to you.

From: Rysnna

To: Daddy D.

LOL Just wait.

I leaned onto his arm and texted Zayn.

From: Rysnna

To: Vain Malik

I get one text and one text only. You need to get the lads (and yourself) out from outside the door or else I will be stuck in here for even longer. Please! I’m okay, so don’t worry about me. Liam will text you guys in a while. Don’t do anything stupid. Tell Harry and Niall and Lou that I said hi J


Like it? Well, there might be one more chapter tonight, but there will certainly be 2 or 3 tomorrow :D Get ready for awesome chapters!!!


~T.Rysnna 1.18.13

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