Chapter 36

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You guys are lucky! This is the third update in the day! I hope you enjoy it even though it is shorter... Thanks!






Rysnna's POV

I quickly jogged through the halls to their dressing room. I ran into the familiar room and slammed the door shut behind me. I quickly ran across the room to the racks of clothes and frantically searched for sweatpants and a hoodie. If they see the scratches they will get angry at their fans and will worry too much about me. They won't think that I'll be able to handle myself. I guess that they didn't see them on stage because they were too excited and the lights were too bright. Also, the scratches hadn't opened up and started to bleed then.

I could hear the boys running down the hall. I looked down at my arms and legs which were bloody and hastened my pace. I finally found a purple Jack Willis and threw it on. Arghh, I can't find any sweat pants! I ran over to the bathroom and almost closed the door before the boys ran into the dressing room.

"Ohhh Rysnna! Where art thou my love?" Harry called into as he walked around the room. The others followed and they looked extremely hyper and sweaty. Ewwww.

I was about to close the door, but Harry looked over and saw me. "Hey Rysnna! Look at this picture I found!" Harry exclaimed as he walked over to me and tried to open the door up further. I tried to close it and he frowned.

"What’s wrong, Rysnna?" he asked with his eyebrows furrowed. Now he definitely knows that something is wrong...

"Nothing! I just have to wash my hands," I replied while smiling fakely. He saw right through me and his green eyes narrowed. He tried to force the door open, but I pushed back.

"Why won't you let me in then?” he asked seriously. I need an excuse, but I can't think of a good one.

"I need to go to the bathroom?" I replied, but it came out more like a question.

"Not buying it..." Harry said as he forced the door open. Great... He stepped in the bathroom and looked around. His eyes widened as they landed on my legs. Oh crap..

"Rysnna!? Are you okay? How did this happen?" Harry asked worriedly as he shut the door.

"I'm fine! Really, it was just a few scratches from the fans," I assured him, but he looked skeptical. He pulled his phone out and texted someone. What is he doing...?

A minute later, I heard a knock on the door and Harry opened it up. Zayn rushed in and came up to me. He looked at my legs and gasped.

"Our fans did this to you?!" he exclaimed as he looked more closely. Why did Harry have to get Zayn involved!? He is just going to overreact!

"Harry! Why did you text him!?" I glared at him, but he glared right back.

"We need the truth and Zayn will get it out of you!" he retorted.

"Rysnna, take the sweatshirt off!" Zayn demanded as his brown eyes flashed with anger. I better not mess with him! I slowly took the hoodie off and winced as the fabric touched my cuts. The boys gasped even more.

"Rysnna! We're so sorry!” Harry apologized as he pulled me into a hug and Zayn got a medical kit from the drawer.

"Why don't you sit in this chair while I clean your cuts while Harry gets you some clothes?” Zayn suggested calmly, but I could tell that he was livid by the way his jaw was clenched. Harry silently left the room and I could hear him explain what happened to the lads.

Zayn and I were silent as he cleaned my cuts and put plasters on them. I winced every now and then and I saw him flinch. Why does he care so much?

"Because you are one of my closest friends, Rysnna and I hate to think that you got hurt because of us!" Zayn said. Whoops, did I say that out loud?

Harry finally came back in with a pair of sweatpants and another hoodie that didn't have blood on it. They silently left me alone in the bathroom to change after Zayn was finished. This is exactly why I didn't want them to know...

I quickly slid the clothes on and exited the bathroom. The dressing room was quiet and sad when I walked in. Wow, how fun... They all glanced up at me worriedly as I sat on the couch next to Niall and Liam.

"We're so sorry, Rysnna! We didn't mean for this to happen!" Liam exclaimed as he looked down at me, concern in his brown eyes.

"Guys, I'm fine! Let's just forget that this happened and have some fun!" I replied when I saw that they weren't as hyper or happy.

"Guys! Moping around isn't going to do anything.  Let's just move on!" I said as I hugged Niall. So. Soft.

"I know I am, Rysnna!" I heard Niall chuckle. I said that out loud, didn't I? Well, it made them laugh so, why not try it again?

"It's the perfect balance of softness and strength!" I sang the jingle from a commercial and they couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

"Did you just sing the jingle from a toilet paper commercial!?" Harry asked as he gasped for air. I was laughing so hard that I could barely respond either.

After about 10 minutes, our laughter had subsided some and we were ready to go. Everyone was now in a happier mood which made me excited. As we reached the doors that led to the outside of the bus, the boys formed a barrier around me. Zayn and Liam both grabbed my hands and we dashed out the door.

This time we were faster and got in the bus before anything could happen. As we entered the living room, I could see the boys look relieved when they saw that I wasn't hurt any further.

“We’re going to have to talk about this now, Rysnna,” Zayn said as he looked out the window of the bus.

This is going to be a long night...


Comment your favorite part/line! Thanks for everything!

~T.Rysnna 1.2.12

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