Chapter 78

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Hello! I am pleased to say that I actually updated this weekend, as you can clearly see! And guess what? There MIGHT be another chapter! I am in the writing kind of mood right now. I really wish that more people would read this,but I'm pretty happy with what I've got and I'm very thankful! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Enjoy the chapter :D


Rysnna's POV

“Don’t I get a say in all of this?” I interrupted the arguments. They’re acting as though I’m not even here! They all quieted down and looked over at me with rapt attention. Oh, I have to pick… Well this is just fantastic…

"Wait! Why don't you just use your real last name?" Niall asked with worry, probably doubting that I would choose his last name. Use my real last name?! I am not that dumb! If I give them my really last name, they could track me down.

"No way! You guys would be able to find me and sue me or something if you get mad at me! How about I don't have a last name?" I asked hopefully and they all rolled their eyes at me. Of course they are going to be difficult and make me choose.

"Nope! Your new name will now be Rysnna Marie Styles!" Harry cheered excitedly, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"You wish Harry! If I have to choose, I will become Rysnna Marie..." I began, looking around at their faces. Louis and Niall were looking at me, their eyes big and blue. Zayn and Liam were watching me hopefully and I could just imagine Harry trying to look sad and innocent.

This is like making a mother choose her favourite child! I really don't want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them think that I have a favourite. Errrrrr, who do I choose? I don't want any of them to feel bad or anything... Let's see...

"Payne," I finally said and they all looked at me in shock. Harry's jaw dropped and Niall looked so sad while Lou and Zayn just pouted.

"YEAHHHH! IN YOUR FACES!" Liam suddenly screamed, breaking the silence as he jumped up from the couch and punched the air in victory. He started to dance around while the rest of us just watched in shock. Wow... I thought that he would be the mature one that would act calm...

All of a sudden, all of the others jumped up and started to argue.

"She only said that because she felt bad for you!"

"She really wants my name, but doesn't want to make you feel bad!"

"She only chose your name because she wants to take my name when we get married."

"Really, now?"

"She was just joking, lads! She is really going to choose my name."

I just shook my head as they all argued amongst themselves in the centre of the living area. My stomach started to growl so I walked away from the noise and found myself hunting through the cabinets for food. I haven't eaten anything for almost twenty-four hours!

"Oh God! You haven't eaten yet! You poor thing. Let me find you some food," I heard Niall gasp as I rummaged through the fridge, looking for something that would actually count as a meal.

"Why aren't you out there arguing with the others?" I laughed, turning around and closing the fridge door, deciding that I should look through the cabinets again.

"Well, I figure that you are going to change your mind and choose my name, so I decided to get some food," he grinned and I slapped the back of his head.

"I didn't think that you all were going to fight like that! I figured that Liam would act like an adult and that you and the others would argue only a little. Besides, I am not changing my name for real!" I explained, leaning on the counter next to him.

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